The question of whether the corner of President and 5th is just bad luck for restaurants arises on a Brooklynian thread about the shuttering of Playa and Cabana Bar, which opened a little over a year ago in that location. Prior to that, the space briefly hosted three other eateries: Night & Day, Lookout Hill, and Biscuit BBQ. The closing of Playa, though, seems sorta odd, as it did much steadier business than the three places that preceded it. A source close to the restaurant gives the following account of Playa’s shuttering: The guy who ran the three businesses before Playa was brought in as a partner on the new venture because he owned the space’s liquor license. However, he’s now in a legal dispute with the landlord and pulled out of his partnership in Playa, taking the liquor license with him. Playa couldn’t turn a profit without the booze license, hence the closing. There’s probably a lot different takes on why it closed, but that’s one of them. In any event, what would you like to see go into the space next? GMAP

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  1. I’m surprised bc the spot always looks kind of crowded.

    I, myself, would NEVER eat there bc it’s a disgusting rat hole. Seriously, the amount of rats that scamper around that restaurant once it becomes dark is revolting. Also, the sidewalk near the kitchen exit reaks of rotten dish water and nasty food slime.

    What about the Jalapeno spot opening where Delicious on the Slope used to be?!

    Why can’t people get it right on this block…

  2. I looked at the area before in order to open a pharmacy. however, i was looking for another licensed pharmacist to cover some of the days with me. working 6 days a week 12 hours a day can burn you out quickly. I did not find any takers.
    Im a licensed pharmacist….if anyone know of another licensed pharmacist who would want to open in the area let me know.

  3. The one that shut down was closed because the company was taken over by Rite Aid and it made no business sense to have 2 Rite Aids on the same corner. Not exactly supporting your point!

  4. and there used to be one at 5th and 9th that shut down, and aren’t you supporting my point? whether they are always busy or not is anecdotal, and doesn’t show that another is needed.

  5. But bc, look at the section of 5th Ave near 9th Street: At 5th and 10th is Rite Aid, 5th btwn 9& 10 on the same side of the street is the 24 hour Neergaard, 9th St. btwn 5th & 6th is CVS. All are constantly busy and doing just fine despite being within spitting distance of each other.

  6. “but one would sure as hell succeed here.”

    ha, i love it! that’s the most delusional thing I have read all day. Would love to sit in on that pitch. “You could be the only pharmacy within 0.25 miles!!! And there are only 5 others within 0.4!”

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