For those Manhattanites still fearing the shift to Brooklyn Life, Northside Towers offers encouragement: the Manhattan “lifestyle” is alive and well in those buildings. That’s the word from Williamsburg Is Dead who offered a translation of an advertorial email (“The problem is, you always tell yourself, [friends who moved to Williamsburg] gave up Manhattan. And more important: the Manhattan lifestyle. But all that changes with Two Northside Piers”) that landed in his inbox: “Oh no, you lost all your money! You can’t afford to live in Manhattan anymore. You could move to Brooklyn but everyone there is all like “Have you read such-and-such book?” and “I love art blah blah blah.” Luckily there is a super-shiny condo for you to move into.” This couple, from their Web site, is apparently already enmeshed in the lifestyle.

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. I think I’m probably closer to getting that guy home with me, than the chances of that woman doing anything but give you a dirty look on the subway.

  2. Haha. Love it Snark.

    The evening news seems so much more fun stoned, I have to say…

    I’m gunna clip some coupons tonight…they’re making a comeback!!

  3. Yeah, guys love wii and pot. I’ve got all I need to hunker down for depression 2.0. Or the winter.

    Now I just need her husband.