bank building
bank building
Access to the observation deck of the Williamsburgh Bank building, until recently a maze of dentists offices and soon to be high-end condos, was clearly the big-ticket draw of Sunday’s Fort Green House Tour (FGHT). We went over there first thing and took in the mosaics in the entry hall and the Long Island map in the vaulted bank space (which Borders Books will reportedly occupy before heading up to catch the unmatched views from the 16th floor. While there, we overheard one of the developer’s team mentioning to a visitor that the top four floors, consisting of 4,500 square feet of indoor space and 2,500 square feet of outdoor space, would be available for in the neighborhood of $6 million. We suspect that this is the combination of the two penthouses listed here. More photos on the jump.
Coming Soon [One Hanson] GMAP
Featured Listings [Brownstoner]
Featured Listings [Curbed]

bank building
bank building
bank building
bank building

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  1. Williamsburgh with the “h”, though I think the bank was founded after unification (1855), at which point the “h” was unofficially dropped.

    And yes, the bank hall and lobby are subject to LPC review.

  2. The on sight one Hanson team was not at all aware of Landmarks obligations to preserve the bank interior and lobby (which is Landmarked). When asked, they claimed that they would have the ability to ‘rearrange’ things according to Borders’ needs and that Landmarks has would not allow anything to be done that was unjust. What exactly can they get away with in terms of destroying the bank and making the interior into (proposed) three stories!

  3. he also said that the lower half of the building is going on sale in June and the upper half in September. He didn’t look too happy when I mentioned that the I knew the prices and floorplans (from when the building website was unlocked). In response he said he “couldn’t comment on prices as he wasn’t sure what pricing model was in place when the website was open”.
