This mama is big! Given its pivotal location on the heretofore slow-to-improve stretch of Fulton Street, we’re hoping this is going to be something nice that can counterbalance some of the less desirable activity that has been known to go on along this stretch. Who’s got the 411?

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  1. I live upstairs from Frank (unless there is another Frank living nearby).

    I hope this will be a nice (short) building, and allow us to keep a little afternoon sunlight, but I’m more concerned with the Saturday, 7am construction.

    The BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP and earth-shaking rumblings the excavators suck as an alarm clock.

    I tried 311, the dept of bldgs (website and leaving voicemails). Where can I find their weekend permit? More importantly, since their weekend work is done before noon, how can I convince these people to start just a few hours later?

  2. I live behind this and they just picked up on the construction this morning. Nothing like waking up to a back hoe in the morning! I wonder how long this will last and how little time I have to enjoy my view!

  3. Spoke to a rep at Washington LLC in Garden City, NY who supposedly owns the lot. They say just got a new partner so construction has slowed but in the near future it will begin again. They assure me they still own it. Also, they say the design is not ultra modern, but not old fashioned either. The rep wasn’t sure how many stories would be built, but probably not more than 4. Currently there is no web site available to view the plans and no brochure. At least this means there’s hope that the new structure will not be a weird Frank Gehry design or something else our of character with the area. Let’s hope for the best.

  4. I live next door to this property as well and was just informed that the owners of the lot sold the land and building plans to someone else (presumably with deeper pockets). I also hear the new building will NOT be in keeping with the beautiful brownstones on the block, but will be a glass loft-like monstrosity. Oh Lord, please save us from these clueless developers!

  5. I think Stephen Jacobs is the father of Jonathan Jacobs, who was one of the developers of Greene House. I think Stephen was also a limited partner on Greene House. I could be wrong, but I that’s what I heard.

  6. a couple of years ago when i was selling real estate i met a guy who parked his car in that lot. knowing that it was going to become a development i asked him for the name and address of the company leasing him the space. i drove all the way out to great neck l.i. and had a brief meeting with someone whose name i forget but they were at the time the developers. the website however has addresses in vermont and nyc.

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