Picture 2.pngIt seems like every time you open the paper (metaphorically, I suppose) there’s a story about an injured construction at some development or another. This time, a worker at 3360 Shore Parkway (GMAP) fell through a hole and down an entire story. The injuries were non-life threatening, but DOB records show three environmental control board violations and seven complaints at the site. Henry Radusky’s Bricolage Designs firm – one of Brownstoner’s favorite sources of loathing – designed the building, and the demo crew is Staten Island based MMG.
BSA Hearing: 182 15th Street aka Katan Towers [Brownstoner] GMAP

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  1. mmg is doing the demo on the building site behind my house and f-ing it up left and right. we were finally able to get them shut down earlier this week—my husband got the buildings department to send an inspector and showed him where our 2-year old had been standing in our yard when we looked up and saw guys at the top of the wall that runs along the east side of our yard, ripping off cinderblocks. they’re supposed to be putting up a protective wall in our yard before they touch the wall, but the workers are unsupervised and seemingly clueless. the whole operation is a total sh*tshow. they told us that if our house was affected in any way while they were doing their demo, it would be because our house was in bad condition, not because of anything they did. we’re fearing for our poor 100-year old building….