It seems like only last week that we were writing about the flagrant violations at 340 and 342 22nd Street. Oh wait, it was only last week. Guess the developer and the contractor are still reeling from the debilitating penalties b#$%job slap on the wrist they must have gotten for jettisoning asbestos into the air for all the neighbors to breath. Yesterday, they were up to their old tricks, proceeding with mechanical demolition without, you guessed it, permits for mechanical demolition. A passerby felt much better when the foreman told him, “Don’t worry, we’re doing it real safe.” Oh, okay. Where the hell is the DOB?!?!? Let’s go to the videotape.
Illegal Mechanical Demo Galore: PART ONE [YouTube] GMAP
More Photos [Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights]
Demolition As Usual In Greenwood Heights [Brownstoner]


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  1. Latest and greatest…

    DON has finally sent out inspectors AND (God forbid) looked at the pix and video and perhaps may have made mistake…and perhaps may have to look into this a bit more closely.

    To their credit, they did send out inspectors…just at the wrong times, for the wrong complaints 😉

    Time, and more inquiry, will tell. Is the developer’s goose cooked (or is that a turkey?)?

    And for the record to the “would be troll,” yes, from my back yard, it looked like SHIT! Reeked, even though I AM DOWN THE BLOCK, but my neighbors next to the site ARE NOT!

  2. 11:48 and 3:31 are likely the same – and likely a developer/contractor who engages in this type of nefarious activity. perhaps even the a**hole who is responsible for this exact property.

    just remember, what goes around comes around, mofo(s).

  3. does anyone actually know of anyone injured by asbestos travelling through the air from neighboring properties? I always thought that asbestos injuries basically occurred only if you were an employee of the asbestos factory.

  4. How much does it cost to buy a DoB inspector? Can you get them at Loew’s or Home Depot? What guarantee do you have that once bought they will work in your favor? I think the good people of Brooklyn’s South Slope need to pool their money together and buy their own inspector.

  5. This is truly annoying and upsetting. I’ve complained numerous times about many violations I see in my neighborhood (South Slope), such as building a 4th story atop a 3 story building with no permits, no protection to the passers-by on the street (they were using a huge CRANE to lift stuff from the street to the 3rd floor), the DOB’s response was “we could not gain access, and all appears well. No violation”.

    I am just so p$#*#ed off. How the hell do these guys get away with this? I waited MONTHS for my permit for my residential makeover, and payed up the bum for it. These guys go and demolish buildings with asbestos and other crap in them and get that stuff in the air and get nothing except a mere slap on the wrist.

    What is the next step? Are there activity groups meeting about this? Where do I sign up to learn more? I truly truly am so upset by this.

  6. Everyone reading this post should call 311 with the complaint and information. If you get about 10 or 20 (hopefull 100!) people calling it in, believe me, something will happen. There is a paper trail of these complaints and the higher ups have to answer to this and why nothing was done.
    Start calling people. I know it is tedious, but it works.