A little illegal Sunday afternoon asbestos removal with your morning coffee courtesy of Knockout Construction? How ’bout some night-time footage of a worker with no protective gear smashing a chimney by light of a generator, all with no sheds or barriers to stop debris from raining down on the street and neighboring yards? When it comes to allowing a repeat offender with hard evidence against it to continue to flagrantly violate the law, we just can’t see how there’s any explanation other than some kind of corruption within the DOB. Incompetence and cronyism can only explain so much.
338 22nd Street–Illegal Work Part 1 [YouTube] GMAP
338 22nd Street–Illegal Work Part 2 [YouTube]
338 22nd Street–Illegal Work Part 3 [YouTube]
Destroying the Evidence on 22nd Street [Brownstoner]
Flouting the Rules Again on 22nd Street [Brownstoner]

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  1. there will be a massive (multi community group) protest at DOB-Bklyn in the next month or so. Stay tuned and I am glad you chilled out 🙂

    And I totally feel the same angst…on a minute to minute basis.

    Don’t worry about Anon 7:50, as I intimated to you on above posts, folks gotta chill out and use this forum in a (hopefully) positive manner.

  2. 6:19 back again..

    its damn cold outside..and thanks for not showing up..i’m getting too old for this.

    i’ve had time to cool down, eat something and am back to my sensible self. Your right, the uncontionable demo of potentially harmful material must end. Unfortunately a video such as this isn’t enough, there must be steeper penalties, imprisonment and civil action. why should my babies have to breath this air!!

    maybe the tough guy at 7:50 has it in him/her to confront the contractor, rather then ranting here. or, we should rally city hall, or do a million person march or something..i don’t know, but i feel helpless.

    any ideas?

  3. hey 6:19,

    FUCK YOU! You are a fuckin’ pussy! I just logged on, if I had signed on earlier, I would have met you there you fuckin’ prick.

    I’m sure you’re the dick that owns Knockout Construction.

    You’re company is in trouble, fucker.

  4. Oh, and anon 6:19, while you are on 22nd St., take a stroll to 338, 340 and 342 22nd St. construction sites. Notice the demo, rat baiting posts and all the garbage. Might make you reconsider the “meet you on the corner” confrontation stuff.

    Let’s all play nice, yes?

  5. Anon 6:19pm

    Have fun freezing yer buns off.

    No “tude” meant other than I am very tired of pointing out the obvious and dealing with folks who write before they read (or in this case watch).

    A well informed poster is a good poster, right?

    So, have a good cool off on 22nd St. No malice from my end.

  6. ccgh..i don’t like your tude. no, i didn’t watch the movie, it has a ‘g’ rating.

    5:50..your an idiot. yeah, i can get info that from a book too, but practically speaking its all bullshit.

    i’ll be on the corner of 6th and 22nd at 7pm, if anyone cares to confront me and have a further discussion of the topic.

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