420 42nd st 420 42nd st
The fight over the 12-story tower that developer Kenneth Wong is trying to build at 420 42nd Street in Sunset Park just escalated. Big time. At the urging of local residents, the Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights and Community Board 7, the DOB took a closer look at the self-certified plans stamped by architect James L. Robinson and issued a Stop Work Order (a 10-day letter of intent to revoke) after finding a reported 37 violations, including (a) failure to submit a full and accurate set of architectural plans, (b) failure to properly calculate the floor area ratio and building height for a 12-story building, and (c) failure to include a rear yard on site.

There’s been a lot of talk in the past few months by politicians about stepping up the enforcement and penalties on developers and architects who pull this kind of crap; this would be an excellent time for the DOB to show that it’s serious. If the Stop Work Order results only in a few minor fines and a few days’ delay, it will fail to provide any disincentive to other developers who thumb their noses at building regulations. When someone is caught doing this kind of thing on this scale, the penalty should be financially crippling and career-ending, as it should be for those who commit equally serious safety infractions.
420 42nd Street: This One Could Get Ugly [Brownstoner] GMAP P*Shark DOB
420 42nd Photo Gallery [CCGH]
Goodbye Sunset Park Views [YouTube]

420 42nd Street

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  1. Are there people posting on this blog who work for the developers of 420 42nd? Because I’ve never heard such absolute rubbish in support of such flimsy, architecturally worthless crap. Is there some new to the market software program, that allows developers tp spit out automated pro-developer blogs from their headquarters in midtown or something? If so I think the system needs some, err… tweaking. (see “sunset park guy’s” latest, like we believe he’s from anywhere but midtown.) Well, I’m not friends with the developer, and my feeling is that buildings like this are not about progress, or a new brooklyn, but for one person to make a buck. Anyone arguing that this building benefits anyone but the developer 1. Have never been to Sunset Park and 2. Are most likely close friends of the developer. Please go fuck yourselves but first, do buy a unit in your FAR violating, no rear yard, energy inefficient, view ruining, vespa & two latte’s a day glass monstrositities. Anyone who knows the industry will tell you, the constuction in these buildings is terribly cheap, the design poor, the cooling bills extraordinarily high and your poorly detailed curtain wall will leak within 10 years. Enjoy.

  2. I’m with keeping Brooklyn as is. We fucked it up already let’s not do more damage.
    Can we revamp LPC? There’s lots of belly aching over there about being under staffed. Do the job or shut it down. I’m paying good money for thier salarys. I know you’re reading this. Im sick and tired of 311 calls pettions and letters. Hire more people we a have lots of unemployeed folks here and Bloomberg should put some of that 911 money to good use and stop these fedderorist from building hazzardous builings. Brooklyn does not need fake Manahattan skyscrappers made with faux bricks jacking up the view and blocking natural light to accomodate these so called new comers. There’s lots of apts to rent out here.

    The amount of taxes we pay here God forbid we have a say on what will effect our property value.
    The real hogs are the developers and they give fedders airconditioner on what the rest of the neighbors thinks.
    That is why I laugh when thier luxury condos with a asking price of 600k turns into a luxury apt for $1600 a month.

  3. Thanks to those who covered my back and understand the real topic posed in this thread. For those who throw around “NIMBY” comments, I’ll stop arguing with you. Blue in the face here and you are not getting it.

    1. It is not about preservation (except the view from Sunset Park). This was a parking lot, sold by a local funeral home to the developer. Something should get built here…

    2. The plans for the 12 story building (plus 35+ ft of bulkheads), if submitted legally (either self cert or normal plan review) could not be argued, since it it an “as of right” project, except by the community, hoping for a smaller structure.

    3. Since the self cert plans filed WERE ILLEGAL (that’s the basis for this whole post), the job cannot and should not proceed as “planned”

    4. As I understand it, in order to address proper plans (which include underpinning and shoring since there is a underground parking component, also not done properly, objected to by DOB), the architect will have to address the height of the building vs. the allowable FAR (which does not compute) and deal with the illegal use of the Community Facility (one of two?) which they cannot have since they must have a rear yard.

    5. So when all is said & done and the architect fixes all the objections and/or changes his plans (the property gets scaled back, either way), some of the height and bulk issues in this “current” R6 zone may be mute.

    6. The ‘nabe may still want to protest the site due to quality of life issues, views from Sunset Park and work with the Community Board, but that’s not what this thread is about

    7. Illegal vs. legal. That’s the final word.

    For now…

  4. Armchair –

    So this project is going to be affordable housing? Please, give us details – how many units? at what % of AMI? is there a non-profit involved?

    But even with affordable housing, that is no excuse for bending or breaking the zoning or building code.

  5. only well off are oppose to development. they want to put everything in a shrink wrap.

    working class people need places to live too! these type of developments would benefit working class people. it won’t displace any more of the in the nabe.

  6. “No one is opposed to new construction”

    Wrong. Most NIMBYS are opposed to all new construction. They love their neighborhood and they do not want to share it with anyone new. More inventory means lower prices. So instead of being happy that more people get to have a roof over their heads, selfish NIMBYs are more worried about their property values.

    It must be terrible to live life as a NIMBY, constantly worrying, constantly evading progress, etc…

  7. Hey Lost in Brooklyn,

    What’s up with the brand new construction site on 20th street betwen 5th and 6th? (It’s a few properties downhill of the tall Scarano job.)

    Looks like they’ve been pouring concrete already.

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