finger buildingBack in the Fall, the Finger Building on North 7th between Bedford and Berry was hit with a Stop Work Order when neighboring landlord Scott Spector complained about some roofdecks that were illegally being built over his adjacent property. Without the roofdecks, you see, there wouldn’t be enough “outdoor space” to enable developer Mendel Brach to put up the remaining six floors of his Scarano-designed building. Since time is money, Brach filed for summary judgment. As Curbed reported yesterday, the judge on the case ruled against the rules-bending developer, effectively halting the building at its current height of ten stories.
Judge Flips Bird to Finger Building [Curbed] GMAP
The Finger Building’s Date in Supreme Court [Brownstoner]
Photo by TrespassersWill

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Speaking of buildings that will never be done, what is with that condo development on 1st street in Park Slope between 4th and 5th Avenues, on the northside of the street? Jeez, that thing has been under construction for an entire year. I passed by it recently for the first time in a while and I could not believe it wasn’t done yet.

  2. Oh man. This building is a nightmare. I want this thing to be finished already. Its current state is a nightmare. I live in the area and right now is annoying that is hasn’t be done. Enough of this court crap. Let the developer finished the damn thing.

  3. If there were any justice in the world, Mendel Brach would be in jail right for the outright fraud he has committed with his developments.

  4. Why would these architects and developers care if laws are broken, workers die, and neighboring bldg’s space stolen? They get their money regardless. The only thing that will put pressure on them, since development-crazed Mayor Bloomie won’t do anything about anything, is to make these buildings socially scorned. If the social scorn causes sales of condos to slow even a little while, the developers will lose money.

  5. hey i have a great idea for all you developers out there, why not obey the law when you build your ugly rip-off buildings?