houseWhen we reported last week that there was a bidding was a bidding war over 100 Decatur Street, we also noted that there was a drop-dead date of last Friday. But from what we heard last night, the horse race is still undecided. Word is that there are three bidders still in the game with the price having now passed the $930,000 mark. Yowza. Anyone heard anything else?
100 Decatur Street [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark
Whisper, Whisper: Decatur Is For Lovers (Not Haters) [Brownstoner]
HOTD: 100 Decatur Street [Brownstoner]

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  1. And at least for the $20K tuition in NYC you’re presumably getting something for your money. In a lot of upstate communities the property taxes are astronomical – and the schools still suck.

  2. If you own a home in the suburbs in Long Island or upstate New York, you pay $15,000 to $20,000 a month property tax anyway. So living in Brooklyn it’s like you pay for tuition instead. At least once the child is done with school, you aren’t still paying that high property tax.

  3. Schools are THE biggest issue for neighborhoods on the verge, no question. I live in one of those nabes but I’m willing to say it. The public schools outside of the most chic nabes suck. The city of NY needs to help Brooklyn find a solution, if NYC’s plan to further gentrify Brooklyn is going to come to fruition. But it seems the city planners never think about infrastructure or schools. They just keep on building luxury condos, sports stadiums and office buildings.

  4. Here’s an idea – I wish I could say it’s mine, but it’s really a description of the school I attended from 1st through 6th grade… (I got a very good education, as did other kids too – there were other ex-students who went on to ivy league schools, etc.).

    Here it is:
    Charge, say, $10K per year in tuition and hold classes with a multi-age group of kids with a size of 20 or less? That’s $200K per year of operating budget for the school to hire a REALLY good, experienced administrator/teacher and an excellent teacher’s assistant and rent for an office space. The concept was modeled after a 1 room schoolhouse.

    With that much money, you could probably hire a management company to handle the school’s finances and take the burden off the parents, who I’m sure are already stretched for time and energy (aren’t all parents?).

    For a point of comparison, St. Ann’s STARTS at something like $40K and goes up from there. That’s just ridiculous.

    Maybe it’s just because I was raised by idealistic hippies, but I think it’s feasible.

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