Tracy Collins, who’s become one of our favorite documenters of Brownstone Brooklyn and especially Atlantic Yards and the Prospect Heights environs, has uploaded a hundred or so photos from the aftermath of today’s building collapse at Ward’s Bakery in the Atlantic Yards footprint. Definitely worth a look-see.
Tracy Collins’ Photo Set [Flickr]
Ward’s Bakery Parapet Collapses As Demo Starts [Brownstoner]

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  1. Hal just provided a hilarious image of Park Slopers grabbing chunks of debris for their gardens in the middle of the night, and running off with them.

    Hey, it’s recycling! Why not.

    Everybody should anticipate the worst when walking past these buildings – be careful and cross the street, don’t walk right next to these buildings. I also cross the street and won’t walk past the neglected, blighted building on 7th Ave and 2nd Street in Park Slope. That building has glass and debris falling off of it. Better safe than sorry.

  2. Furthermore…

    I confess that my selfish instincts desire a small piece of historic salvage to decorate my garden. A modest chunk of dentil would suffice.