StubbedFinger2.jpgBoth The Real Deal and Curbed covered the latest battle of the Finger Building war last week, but we just got our hands on a hard copy of the Architect’s Newspaper where the story originated. To review: First developer Mendel Brach was going to build 22 stories on this site on North 7th and 8th Streets between Bedford and Berry; then it was 16. After neighboring landowner Scott Spector sued to stop Brach from building a roof garden on his (Spector’s) adjacent building and thereby deprived the project of open space, the height was further reduced to 10 stories. But Spector’s not stopping there: He’s now trying to force Brach to tear down the entire building based on the fact that some columns were placed on Spector’s property. He’s also said to be pursuing a course of action to prevent Scarano from continuing to practice. One commenter on Curbed claimed that Spector wants to take over the project himself. Based on other comments, Spector’s not exactly the most popular guy in the neighborhood either. Perhaps all these guys deserve each other.
Mr. Brach, Tear Down This Finger! [Curbed] GMAP
Call to tear down Burg’s Finger [The Real Deal]

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  1. pfa 11:49, My wife and kids wouldn’t like it very much.

    And for the record Scott Spector will never have any credibility because he is a cronic liar.