We’re a couple of days late to market with this rendering of the Avalon Bay project slated for the northeast corner of Flatbush Extension and Myrtle—it appeared in an off-line-only section of The Post last weekend (where Curbed grabbed it and posted earlier this week). The specs on the project—42 stories, 650 rental units—have been common knowledge for some time but they’d kept the pretty pictures under wraps. Besides being huge, this looks like it could be decent, though it’s hard to get a feel for the choice of materials. Look for a 2009 completion…The other take-away from the article was this quote from Joe Chan, president of the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership: “Somewhere in the pipeline, there are about 14,000 residential units and a million and a half square feet of office space.” How you like them apples?
Towering Avalon Brooklyn Revealed [Curbed] GMAP
Development Watch: BFC and Avalon Straddle Myrtle [Brownstoner]
Development Watch: BFC and Avalon Straddle Myrtle [Brownstoner]

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  1. 3:35
    $60k is a decent salary everywhere but NY, SF and LA. That person does have choice locations, just not any location they want. There are lovely neighborhoods with good schools across brooklyn (Bay Ridge, Midwood, Ocean Ave, Sheepsead Bay, Marine Park etc..).

  2. 12:16

    In regards to your comments regarding persons earning 60K a year. New York State minimum wage is $7.15 per hour. Based on that number a person who works a 40 hour week for 52 weeks a year would earn an annual income of $14, 872. In case you were wondering in Kings County (co-terminus with Brooklyn) the average median income (AMI) is $32,339. Based on the scenario of a 40 hour week for 52 weeks of the year, a person at AMI earns approximately $15.55 per hour.

    What’s the point? A person who earns 60k a year has an income that translates to $30 an hour. A wage earner at nearly twice the AMI should have the choice of a choice location.

  3. “Residents with children will do what most of their ilk do – depart NYC once their kids reach school age. They will then be replaced by younger residents, who will follow the same pattern. Ad infinitum” I am a baby boomer and when I was younger that was always true (with a few rare exceptions like my husband and I). Recently, less so I think. There are many people who want to stay in the city with kids and go to some efforts to do so.

  4. Like lamb, you need to eat your children well before the age of four, or they’re gamy. On a more serious note

    400-foot height limit divided by 42 stories = 9.5 foot high ceiling heights?

  5. Uh, not anymore. Studies show that middle class people are no longer eating their children when they reach age 4, but are allowing them to live to attend kindergarten in the city. Distressing, I am sure…

  6. Residents with children will do what most of their ilk do – depart NYC once their kids reach school age. They will then be replaced by younger residents, who will follow the same pattern. Ad infinitum.

  7. So most new building is unacceptable unless done by some starchitect unless the price is too high and the ‘burbs and
    mc mansions are definitely out and tract housing is out and most people have hideous and unrefined taste.

    What is okay- brownstones, prewars, victorians…?

    I don’t necessarily disagree if we’re looking at everything from a design perspective. What should be built? How do you solve the problem of people who want mc mansions? When do you decide to end your arrogance and snobbery. The paradox- how to escape?

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