City officials and affordable housing advocates gathered yesterday for the official groundbreaking of Atlantic Terrace, a mixed-income co-op the Fifth Avenue Committee is developing on Atlantic and South Portland avenues. Fifty percent of the building’s units will be reserved for low-income families and 20 percent will go to middle-income earners, with prices ranging from around $83,500 to $344,500. The development, which should be complete in about two years, is being touted as the largest green affordable building in Brooklyn history and will be constructed with recycled materials. (Check out the rendering on the jump.) According to an Observer article last week, however, the fact that Atlantic Terrace is rising directly across the street from future Atlantic Yards high-rises hampered plans to include solar panels on the co-op’s roof. The shadows the planned Atlantic Yards buildings are expected to cast would have affected how the solar panels operate, according to Michelle de la Uz, the Fifth Avenue Committee’s executive director. We would have loved to have had the solar roof, but it just didn’t make any sense because of the shadows,” said de la Uz.
In The Shadow of Atlantic Yards [NY Observer] GMAP
Shadows Eclipse Eco Apartments [NY Post]
Mixed-Rate Building Next to Atlantic Yards [Brownstoner]


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  1. You can NOT believe anything coming out from Michele de la Uz mouth, she is the most deceiving and conniving bitch I have ever encountered in my whole life, She will lie, crawl and sleep with dogs to have her own agenda. I had a legal issue with the fifth Ave committee about one of her building rising their parapet wall over my chimney without city permits or my building permition making my chimney totally blocked off causing almost a fire inside my apartment when I went to use it in the late fall. She made me spent money on lawyers and gave me the run around until I told her I was going to ventilate this issue with the city about not having permits, that was when she quickly fixed the problem she caused. Another instance is the project they are building on 5th Ave and 16th st for drug addicts, she personally stood on the corner of this project and fooled people into signing these petitions for the city by telling everyone it was going to be affordable housing for the regular people, this was never the true, it was as it is now housing for drug addicts and the mentally ill population.

  2. A homeless guy and his family lived in that very space in the late 1980s. The guy put up a bunch of signs advertising the then-vacant lot as an “amusement park” complete with a shopping-cart roller coaster. He was profiled in the Daily News.

  3. too bad the selfish developers couldn’t have made the easy enough changes in their plan for a solar project that pre-existed their plan.

    you can be sure that Ratner was very careful NOT to cast shadows or blockviews within the condos in his plan.