Luckily for us, today’s bathroom blogger took some photos of the “somewhat livable” bathroom in his South Slope co-op before demolishing it to start over with this glass tile theme. The toilet is Duravit, the tub Zuma, the fixtures and sink Lacava. He went with a satin-finish slate floor and a concrete slab countertop from Room & Board. His one regret? The amount of grout that’s visible as a result of using such small tiles (which, by the way, are from Waterworks).
Let’s Try This Bathroom Thing Again [Brownstoner]
Bathroom Reno #3: Marble All Around [Brownstoner]
Bathroom Reno #2: After the Fire [Brownstoner]
Bathroom Reno #1: $3,000 Goes A Long Way [Brownstoner]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. I wonder how babies survived in days of yore. A toilet next to a tub makes it difficult to bathe the kid?! Drinking bathwater a problem (won’t the kid learn soon enough?) Some people will complain about anything.

    For the record, I have a child who, when he was little, I had no difficulty at all bathing in much less primitive conditions.

  2. I think we need to come to the conclusion that the people saying this thread is a waste of time is simply a “troll”. THink about it. For someone to get to the bottom of this thread, they clearly invested time in reading or skimming. That said, it obviously presented SOME level of value. The only thing that is a waste of time is responding to people that think it’s a waste of time. Because like the poster said above, threads on Zoning, etc… are boring to me and a waste of time… TO ME!!!! But probably lend enormous value to others. So I don’t click them and post about how much of a waste it is to me.

    I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. Loved the Kitchen Reno’s, Bathroom Reno’s.

    I’m hoping for a “Apartment level Reno– How’d you develop your rental space?? ”

    Got that Mr. B?? Let’s see how some folks maximized their rental spaces to subsidize those Mortgages!!!

  3. I just don’t understand the comments point blank against this type of feature. I understand if you’re not interested–so just don’t read them. But how are they inherently “stupid” or not of “value”? If some people–many people, apparently–like them, then obviously they are both not stupid and of value. I don’t read all the postings about, for example, community zoning, because I find them incredibly boring. But I don’t denounce them carte blanche because obviously some people do care…

  4. I guess I don’t enjoy these types of threads and don’t feel they add much value to the site. Mr. B, please….no more. Despite some of the naysayers above, I love but threads like this one are not its finest moments. So please, let this be the last one.


  5. I always find it helpful when this site discusses renovations. I would like to see more and more photos of before and after. Plans would be helpful as well. I think it’s all within the mission of the site.

    I read in this weekend’s NY Times magazine that the creator of Wikipedia thought that even anonymous web commentators should only engage in civil discourse. I totally agree.

    Lovely bathroom. Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. toilet next to the tub is tough when you have a little one in there. you really need to be able to hold on to them when they are little. then, when they are crazy toddlers, you need to be able to stop them from killing themselves or drinking the bathwater or licking the faucet, whichever comes first …

    i specifically looked for a bathroom where the tub could be reached completely without anything blocking me from reaching all parts of it (including the faucets). sliding doors are terrible too for bathing kids.

    we bought a condo with no doors or a bar yet so that the owner could decide which they wanted. this is probably becoming the norm.

    agree that this tub looks killer, but in the bathroom that my kid bathes in, I actually put in a smaller than usual tub for her to be able to get in and out of and for us to reach in easily.

    dumb stuff, but when you have to bathe your kid everyday, it helps.

  7. First, I agree that this is a great feature – truly useful instead of the fan-the-flames of the bubble gibberish that often takes place on this site (probably to keep the broker/sponsors happy).

    Second, this looks like a nice, clean renovation. Having done my own bathroom recently, I sympathize with the grout regrets, but truly I think only the owner sees those (by the way, I used that same Duravit toilet).

    Third, if this only cost 3-4K in labor, I want the name of your contractor! Our half to full bath conversion cost over 6K in labor, and that was with a dirt-cheap contractor whose bids were half that of others. Did you did this as a part of a whole apartment renovation so that the labor in the bathroom was part of a much bigger job?

  8. 8:36, if I might direct your attention to the “About” page for this site:

    “ is a site about Brooklyn real estate and renovation.”

    This is an article about a renovation in a brownstone. Perhaps you should go start your own blog with some “substantial features.”

    Might I suggest as a domain name?

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