It only took about three months for the Schermerhorn House at 160 Schermerhorn Street to top out at 11 stories. Half of the 190 units will be for low-income residents and artists while the other half will be for the formerly homeless. Strange bedfellows for the new owners of the fancy 14 Townhouses next door.
Development Watch: Schermerhorn House Rising [Brownstoner] GMAP P*Shark DOB
Some More 411 on the “Schermerhorn House” [Brownstoner]

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  1. Hello, it is not a hand out, it is affordable housing. Which should exist for everyone, this happens to be, for not only “artists,” but for people who fall withing a certain income. And yes rent is being paid by these people! An appropriate amount! (So they maybe get lucky in a lottery. What about people who are fortunate in other ways, education scholarships, jobs, or through marriage, or bought at a good time in the market. or whatever.)

    What about those fancy apartments that exist and are rented or owned by companies, and are used just for the purposes for employees when they are in NYC. Maybe those Should not exist too! Maybe the real issue is how insane the market has gotten in NYC. And the economy!


  2. 11/08/07 @4:08pm, I thank you for the breath of logic and truth. I also wonder, had this building been constructed for the working and middle-class residents of Brooklyn, would the people posting “bloody murder” classify themselves as recipients of “hand-outs”.

    Just a thought.

  3. To all of you considering affordable RENTALS to those earning at the levels required to qualify for low-income housing as “handouts,” i.e. the person who lamented the plight of a “hard working engineer who earns $90k/yr” @ 4:17- let me ask you this… do you itemize your taxes? Do you exploit any loopholes within income tax law? Do you own stocks or receive any income from capital gains that are exempted from taxes? What do you think that is? Tax expenditures are welfare my friend. We ALL benefit from the welfare state in this country… whether it be someone on Medicaid, Public Assistance or SSI/SSDI OR benefiting from tax expenditures, disproportionate regressive taxes, Corporate tax credits and federal underwriting, etc.

    While I agree that there are those whom exploit the welfare system on the low-end of the income scale, don’t deny that there are those that do the same on the upper end. Many million and billionaires get busted for tax evasion, but does that mean that the MAJORITy of affluent folks screw the system over? No. Nor does this mean that the majority of those on Public Assistance and other programs do so to look for handouts. If you knew the level of degradation, humiliation and bureaucratic b.s. that one had to go through just to get on Public Assistance, you’d understand that this is a last resort for most folks receiving it. We’re all socialized by what we experience through the media, but learn to read outside sources to understand just what ‘welfare’ is and who truly benefits. Mr./Mrs. $90K/yr benefits more from welfare than the formerly homeless artist ever will.

    P.S. Learn what “low-income” means- we’re talking low 20’s to mid 30’s. There is a “very low-income” designation which is capped at around 20k, depending on the funding source for the building. And if you knew what a public assistance check looked like- you’re not even sniffing 20k.

  4. @11:08AM
    “But carry on with denouncing an entire community based on three people who took advantage of your doormat friend.”

    Now that I have your blessing I sure will asshat! And, since you have such a pleasant personality I will talk shit and spread all the nastiness about loser “artists” that leech off the hardworking friends. Hell, you have just invigorated me to fight projects like these jacka**!

    Damn, lets give handouts to losers that can’t even get a job at a Micky D’s but want to spend $10 on coffee. Thanks to you, I say screw them.

  5. 12:30: “There were a few low-life losers that were leeching off a friend of mine”

    LOL. Your friend had to move because of these terrible artists? It’s your friend who sounds like the loser, asshole. Maybe if he had a spine…

    But carry on with denouncing an entire community based on three people who took advantage of your doormat friend.

  6. 7:33 makes a good point

    i know of a few “artists” who hold one of these “artist” subsidized apts in Manhattan, whil ethey live upstate or even out of state in large homes..essentially using the subsidized unit as a pad in the city, while contributing NOTHING to NYC culture

  7. It would be so much easier to support this project if not for all the lazy douche bag “artists” I have met in this city. They are the biggest tools you will ever meet.

    There were a few low-life losers that were leeching off a friend of mine. They wouldn’t help with the rent, food, utilities, or even entertainment costs like movie tickets and beer at the bar. They wouldn’t even wash their own laundry and wore the same dirty clothes for months. My friend had to move out of the apartment to get rid of these loser leech artist. Are these the type of poor artists this building will be accommodating?

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