A section of fencing around the Whole Foods construction site in Gowanus has been damaged again, which means the polluted site is once again open to the public. A large section of the fencing surrounding the property had been down for several weeks but was recently fixed. Now that it’s in disrepair again, we’re assuming that vandalism is to blame, and we wonder if this is going to happen again and again if the grocer’s plans for the property continue to stall.
Whole Foods Opens Up to the Community [Brownstoner] GMAP
Whole Foods Mends Fences in Gowanus [Brownstoner]
Gowanus Whole Food Site: Open Again! [Curbed]

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  1. Just how much cleanup has taken place here/ And how much do they expect to do? The State Cleanup application states that Whole Foods doesn’t plan to remove all the toxic soil, they plan to ‘cap” the toxic soil in it place and at the same time build their store under ground.
    Could the long hold-up be over their hopes to get such a silly building plan approved for this level of cleanup in a flood zone?
    Seems that Whole Foods thought they could build this all “as-of-right” but that might not be so given the nature of the site.

  2. Perhaps the holdup is that WF is beginning to believe that few will shop there unless they are 100% sure that the cleanup was thorough.

  3. I wonder what the holdup is? I can’t imagine what kind of remediation would take this long? They aren’t doing any work there at all now it seems. Maybe they are just sitting on the property and thinking about selling it? Did they take superfund funding to do the cleanup? If so there probably has been public info about the cleanup written up somewhere on the web. Others in Gowanus have taken that money. Maybe brownstoner has time to dig around and look up that data for us all?