When Morton’s Steakhouse opens in the Adams Street Marriott, better not try to bring your bike. The bike lane in this part of town is consistently blocked by parked and idling buses and town cars. Why aren’t the transit police slapping these vehicles with tickets? You’d think it would be an easy source of revenue for the city.

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  1. I also complained about this bike lane to the DOT. They forwarded my e-mail to the local police precinct who wrote to tell me the problem was because of the design and so it was a DOT issue. Like most other bikers I see, I usually use the express lanes on Adam street which, despite the speed of traffic and the storm drains, is more practical than weaving back and forth over those brick separators.

    BTW, I both drive and bike in this city as well as walk and use the buses and subways. Sometimes I even take a taxi or car service. There’s no reason everyone needs to always be in everyone else’s way. If you need to stand, find a hydrant or double park — try to impact as few other street users as possible. It doesn’t take a genius and it doesn’t have to require legions of ticket-writers.

  2. 11:45: There is no helmet law for adults in New York. Additionally, drivers who break the law put others at risk; cyclists who don’t wear helmets put themselves at a (comparably quite minor) risk. There’s no comparison.

  3. um..not sure if it was mentioned or not, but a bike lane with a sewer grate right in the middle = accident (and lawsuit??) waiting to happen, no? at the very least a trashed set of rims…

  4. CMU – may I ask why you don’t wear a helmet? Do you not have relatives who would be impacted if you had an accident and sustained a serious head injury? Do you have enough medical insurance that your immediate and long term care would not trickle down to the average taxpayer? Or is it just that you like the feeling of the wind in your hair, and bugger anything else?

    I thought it was the law that cyclists had to wear helmets. If you break the law by not wearing one, please don’t complain about drivers who also break the law.

  5. I second rjlovie; the Bedford Ave bike lane has got to be the biggest death trap for bikers in all of Brooklyn and I can’t believe the cops are making zero effort to do anything about it.

    If you are biking you will get taken down by the the livery cars/suv’s using it as a passing lane, and if you are a sane driver trying to make a left across the bike lane you will get taken out by the same.

  6. You’re right guest@4:07

    I work in a similar way when I slash the tires of all bikes parked illegally.

    After all, anyone who’s parked incorrectly deserves to have their property destroyed.

    Where do you leave your bike by the way? Just asking….

  7. Well, I guess it’s obvious we ain’t in Amsterdam anymore. What anger against cyclists and weird opinions about cycling.

    8:54, can you conflate a few more issues in your rant? As a non-white cylist, who is not a delivery person and who doesn’t wear a helmet, I wonder where I fit in to your demographic. Bad cyclists are just that: bad. Nothing to do with the majority who are respectful of pedestrians. Bad motorists are just that also, though there seems to be many more of them.

    And afa the OT is concerned, the cycle lane should stay and be free of cars. Period.

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