Since we last checked in around Thanksgiving, 1142 Bedford Avenue has almost doubled in size; in fact, all that’s left to do is frame out a couple of the penthouse units and we can call this one topped out. It’s still unclear how close to the rendering of the 29-unit building (on either link below) the real thing will come, we’ll be watching closely to see how this kind of upscale project fares in this part of town.
Development Watch: Halfway There at 1142 Bedford [Brownstoner] GMAP
New Development: 1142 Bedford Avenue [Brownstoner] P*Shark DOB

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  1. Love it – We live a block away and have been watching this go up. Can’t wait to see the final project and what stores are in the bottom. I’d love a couple more good restaurants to start creating a mini restaurant row – and yes, it is a block from Toukeleur sp? (the great french restaurant on Bedford) and directly across from the Y which I can vouch for being great even after 6am 🙂
    Looking forward to more updates…

  2. great location. If reasonablle priced, this should do really well. The Y across the street is great. No need for an in-building gym.

  3. “how this kind of upscale project fares in this part of town.”
    You might want to add in the middle of a recession. My bet would be not too good unless they are realistically priced.

  4. The side streets(Monroe, Madison, Quincy, etc) around this have a certain charm, with smaller row houses of varied architecture. A large scale, well-built, condo project could really anchor them. Of course I don’t know whether people are delusional about their pricing. The Y is really, really nice – expecially at 6 in the morning when bf and I go.

  5. i’ve been waiting for you guys to comment on this development! i pass by it every day on the way the bedford ave ymca which is just across the street.