35-lincoln-tower.jpgThis morning the Sun has word of the 20-story glass tower that developer Henry Herbst intends to build at 33 Lincoln Road in Prospect Lefferts Gardens. The building, which will be one of the tallest structures overlooking Prospect Park, is being designed by Gilman Architects, and it’s slated to have 80 units, a 17,000-square-foot private rooftop park, and retail on the ground floor. Hawthorne Street, which has been following the coming condo’s progress, snapped the photo above of the site early last month. (Anyone know if those buildings have come down?) Architect Tom Gilman promised Hawthorne Street that the condo “wouldn’t be an eyesore”, which one would certainly hope, considering it’s going to be the tallest building in the neighborhood and significantly alter the Prospect Park panorama. Gilman told the Sun that “There is going to be a lot of glass, which means amazing views of the park.”Update: The Sun has just published a rendering of the tower, as shown above right.
Glass Tower to Overlook Prospect Park [NY Sun] GMAP
Demolition, Large and Small [Hawthorne Street]
Photo of 33 Lincoln from Hawthorne Street.

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. I’m a life long Brooklynite and I welcome development. Why? Let’s face it folks, it’s all about finance. The nabes with wealthier residents get more/better services. It sux but it’s the truth. Have you compared the differences in the subway stations/service between Brooklyn and Manhattan? Have you seen any Brooklyn stations with A/C like you find on several Manhattan stops? We’re lucky to have our stations cleaned of all the urine and get painted once every 30 years!
    What about the crime? There are beautiful neighborhoods in Brooklyn that I won’t drive through because of the crime. Crown Heights used to be an affluent neighborhood when it was built. Now, it’s a crime infested sh!t hole. I would welcome developers coming in. Allowing neighborhoods to exist as crime zones such as Crown Heights is a shame. Look at Fort Green. Years ago you would have to worry about getting shot, now, there are million dollar homes.

  2. It was coming sooner or later. I would like to see something replace Phat Alberts. Not a whole foods, but maybe something along the lines of the downtown Philadelphia Market. Renovate and restore the building—it is beautiful–and make a daily farmers market type building with butchers, fisherman, and farmers. Sadly it won’t happen but one can hope for change.

  3. Seriously, what kind of new buildings DO you people like? Would you prefer to have the rat hole that was 27 Lincoln Road remain a rat hole?

    This building looks SO MICH NICER than any of the nasty Fedders crap that’s going up on all the streets outside Lefferts Manor. But I guess because nobody gives a shit about anything outside their little bubble, those areas don’t matter because you don’t see them.

  4. Not only do some of us find charm and even elegance in some of the homes on Flatbush, including those in the block between Lincoln and the construction, but the comment referred to the character of the neighborhood–and few could deny the charm of in that!

  5. i am all for development, but as i live 3 blocks from the location, i am disturbed by the rendering of that building. the neighborhood is known for its charming homes and i feel that building does not reflect (pun intended) any of the characteristics of the neighborhood.


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