It’s looking like a development site that fronts 4th Avenue and wraps around to 8th Street is in play. The DOB approved new building plans for the property, which Massey Knakal was marketing for $10 million. The DOB has OK’d an application for a 120-foot, 43-unit apartment building. First off, some buildings on the property are going to be demolished. A reader who noticed the approved filings wrote to us and said, “It would be nice to have another Argyle type building, or something like the planned building on 4th ave and 6th street.” The architect of record on the project is a firm called DJ Associates.
4th Avenue Glassy Condo Site Asking Almost $10 Million [Brownstoner] GMAP

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  1. Other than the allure of lower prices than that of, say, 6th avenue or other swankier parts of the Slope, I don’t understand why people would want to live off of Fourth Ave. No, I’m not speaking in terms of the way it looks. It’s the noise factor. No matter how pretty you make the building, how much you build up the Avenue itself, it remains a high-traffic area replete with rumbling trucks and their accompanying horns, etc. Double-paned, sound-muffling windows are great, but the moment you open them, you will be assaulted by the ridiculous noise level. Relax on a balcony or terrace facing Fourth Avenue? Forget it! I live on relatively busy part of Fifth Avenue directly in front of a bus stop and every summer my blood pressure spikes in response to the noise from having my windows open. (I refuse to waste electricity and run the A.C. when a fan will do in some temperature ranges.) The only thing that keeps me somewhat sane is reminding myself that at least it’s not Fourth Ave.