Yesterday afternoon Concilwoman Tish James led about a dozen activists on a march over the Brooklyn Bridge to protest the city’s plan to move a homeless intake shelter from Manhattan to Crown Heights, according to the Daily News. The march ended at City Hall, where State Senator Eric Adams and Councilman Lew Fidler spoke out against the plan. “The entire city should share the burden of the…less fortunate,” said Adams, who says he’s going to bring the fight against the center’s move to Albany.
Brooklyn Rally Rips Homeless Detour [NY Daily News]
Crown Heights Rally: Don’t Dump On Us! [Brownstoner]
News Columnist: ‘Shameful’ Crown Heights Homeless Plan [Brownstoner]
Crown Heights Group Still Doesn’t Want Homeless Center [Brownstoner]

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  1. “I’ve worked with other groups on other issues, and I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. Because then people like you come out of the woodwork to hoot and holler and say, see, they don’t really care- and nothing would be further from the truth.”

    Continue back tracking. Blah, blah, blah, blah…

  2. 4:48- Did I anywhere blame rachel for the poor turnout? I don’t think so. that said, yes- I said what I said and I’m glad rachel added more information but the fact of the matter is that the rally was poorly planned. I don’t believe it was Rachel’s organization that did the planning- I know they tried to help. I am under the impression it was Tish James’ office. And the worst thing that could happen is to make it appear as though it’s not big deal because the rally you organized fell flat.

    I’ve worked with other groups on other issues, and I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. Because then people like you come out of the woodwork to hoot and holler and say, see, they don’t really care- and nothing would be further from the truth.

  3. “What I really hate is when they have a real issue and real support but they waste it on incoherent, and disconnected kinds of protests- walk across the bridge? What does that do? 12 people walking across the bridge in protest is an embarrassment and says a lot about how not to stage a protest.”

    “Good to hear that Rachel.It’s very disappointing to read that there was such low turnout and then the trolls here start howling.”

    The TROLLS atart howling? Hypocritical much?

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