cohousing-1008.jpg The 10 member households and 17 associate households of the Brooklyn Cohousing group have found a site for their social and housing experiment: Fort Greene’s former St. Michael’s church property. “When our project is complete, our community will share three buildings surrounding a 7,500-square-foot inner courtyard of gardens, green space and children’s play areas,” they wrote in an email to interested parties. “In addition, we will share extensive interior common space and share a process of decision making that empowers everyone in the community.” This will be a more co-operative co-operative, based on the Danish model of co-housing where folks own individual property as well as some communal spaces. On the right: a potential model of their shared housing vision.
Brooklyn Co-Housing Moving Closer to Reality? [Brownstoner]

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  1. Wow! How exciting! I have been thinking for quite some time that that set of lots and the church (the project that has stagnated) would make a wonderful cohousing spot!

    Congrats!!! I would like to join but cannot come to tonight’s meeting?

    One question: how did the group nab this great location? I thought the owners had paid way too much money for the combined properties, that they had submitted a number of plans to Landmarks/Community Board and had one finally accepted. I don’t walk down Carlton that much toward Willoughby but during the Carlton Stoop Sale day a number of weekends ago, notice the property was still languishing.


  2. Brooklyn Cohousing is having an Orientation TONIGHT for prospective members of our community. Come learn what we’re really about and how cohousing offers a quality of life not otherwise available in Brooklyn (privacy in your own home plus community life available outside your door when you want it).

    6pm at the Belarusan Church, 401 Atlantic Avenue at Bond Street. Kids welcome. Orientations are educational sessions where you can get more information about us and our site, and have a chance to ask all your questions. Everyone welcome.

    -KB, a member of Brooklyn Cohousing.