It’s a sad day in Mudville: Shahn and Arthur are having to give up on their dream of converting the Broken Angel into a bunch of eclectically designed condos. A few days ago, they put the 13,000-square-foot property up for sale with no asking price. Interested parties can contact Shahn at 917-627-6454. Given that the new NYT listings site currently returns zero responses to a Clinton Hill search, we’re unable to come up with the listing right now!
Judge Gives Angel Duo The Heisman [Brownstoner] GMAP
Broken Angel: DOB Overzealous or Just Doing Its Job? [Brownstoner]
Broken Angel Reno: Approaching the Summit [Brownstoner]
More Details on the Broken Angel Project [Brownstoner]

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  1. The Broken Angel building could have been saved but Shahn had other priorities and they had nothing to do with art or Arthur Woods vision. There was a huge loan taken out. Arthur was treated like a little pet and really had nothing to do with the administrative part of the proceedings. The collateral for the loan was Arthurs home and land, not Shahns. The only one who really loses are the artists. Meantime they will have no place to live and they have lost their home of 27 years. Shahn is supposed to be an expediter so how could the Buildings dept stop work on the project or was there a game of bad cop good cop? Who is selling the building??? Shahn. He’s like a tick.

  2. MM,

    It doesn’t look he put any of those things you talk about into the building.

    It looks like an empty shell three years after the project supposedly started.

    You’re right though that Shahn doesn’t “owe us anything.”

    I personally am just curious what the hell happened.

    I don’t have an personal feelings about it either way since I have nothing to do with it.

  3. I can see how someone who may, and I emphasize MAY, have had bad dealings with him for one thing or another, would gloat over his failure. I think it’s pretty low to do it in public, but civility seems to have died. It’s a whole other thing to chortle over, and celebrate possible financial ruin, personal disaster, and loss, when you have had no dealings with the man whatsoever, and are armchair quarterbacking his business, his life, and his choices. I just don’t get it, other than to conclude that jealousy really is the green eyed monster.

    I don’t blame Shahn for only coming here once to state his case, and then sitting back. Why should he have to explain anything to anyone other than those immediately involved? I have no reason to think that his motives are anything other than what he said, and I know, had it been me, the last thing I’d want to do is to over explain to a bunch of people who are more than happy to see me fail, why things didn’t go as planned.

    I’m with Donatella, bxgrl, and others who understand what it’s like to put heart, soul, and mind, as well as cold, hard cash into a dream. I wish Shahn good luck, and I hope everything turns out well.

  4. What,

    You’re completely nuts, but you’re quiet entertaining.

    You should work out a licensing deal with Brownstoner and start a talk radio show linked to this website.

    I could see you going national.

  5. “He is worse than those things people said about him because he said and did worse to people around him over the past three years.”

    Shahn was/is a real jerkoff!

    “eeing him scurry around the Department of Buildings like a little lost lamb was far more consilation than the asswwipes on this thread could ever say.”

    The funny thing is he could’ve paid a expediter to push the paper work. Trying to go thru the process with DOB is a nightmare. I guess he was smoking too much of his own product.

    “Let him put up his rag tag house so he can loose that as well with his HIGH FINANCE techniques.”

    Funny thing about that Cambridge piece, That thing has been empty for a long time and I know he was having problems with LPC.. That thing was eating up about 7000k a month and my be in **gasp** foreclosure.

    Yep Shahn go ferk off and DIBS is next! Oh 2009 is going to be so much fun!!!

    The What

    Someday this war is gonna end…

  6. Donatella,

    That still doesn’t explain why it looks as if barely any work was completed since the project began over two years ago.

    The secret to making money on a project like this one is getting in and getting out quickly.

    Something must have brought the project to a halt long ago and I for one am very curious what happened.

  7. Return of the What…..He is worse than those things people said about him because he said and did worse to people around him over the past three years.

    Seeing him scurry around the Department of Buildings like a little lost lamb was far more consilation than the asswwipes on this thread could ever say.

    Let him put up his rag tag house so he can loose that as well with his HIGH FINANCE techniques.

    The prince is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Naw Shahn is a little smug jerkoff and did you notice no one stop from putting him on blast. The Asshats are going to eat alot of crow in 2009. So Ferk him and that project..

    The What

    Someday this war is gonna end..

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