bed-stuy-lot-0309.jpgThanks to Bed Stuy Blog for flagging this: There’s a great initiative underway to blanket neglected portions of Bedford Stuyvesant in wildflowers. A group called 21st Century Plowshare is preparing a guerilla campaign to heave seed bombs into empty lots, abandoned buildings sites and whatnot. We’re so into the idea, we just donated $100. They only need $2,000 and are accepting gifts of as little as $10; they also need volunteers for seed-bombing missions, so check out the website here.

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  1. I donated as well and will be seed bombing in April… Someone brought up the Broken Glass theory and I was just going to mention it as well! Only good can come of this and I for one am VERY excited:-)

  2. Should work well enough if the areas get full sun, which vacant lots mostly will. The seeds will be native to the northeast, ones that can naturally just fall on the soil and have enough take to make a show with little or no care. Have to be put down early enough, though.

  3. Do “seed bombs” actually work? (that is, germinate and grow?) I’d think that would depend on what seeds are in ’em. All I know is that I’ve gotten countless free packets of “wildflower seeds” over the years and sprinkled them in bare patches of every description, and they never, ever grow. Some species of wildflower (like dandelions) flourish already in urban lots, others may be totally unsuited…just wondering.

  4. Rob, trees, flowers, plants and nature are the only things keeeing us from looking like Wall-E’s world, a garbage strewn wasteland. Plants absorb CO2, emitted by us, among other things, and convert it back to breathable oxygen. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for plants.

    Besides which, I don’t understand how you could stand living in this dirty, smelly, overcrowded city without having sotme plants and flowers, parks and even empty lots and backyards around to give us a break, bring some nature to the city, and provide some beauty.

  5. rob,

    Two ideas.

    1. Go take a peek at Plowshare’s website and look around. I think you’ll “get it” a little better. (while you’re there, donate a couple of bucks :).

    2. Rent Wall-E and watch it tonight. Just try not to weep. And then see if you still feel the same way about “flowers and plants and nature”.

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