squibb-02-0509.jpgInstead of a bridge, Squibb Park may be getting a ramp. Make that several ramps. According to this week’s print edition of the Brooklyn Heights Courier, Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe hopes to build a “modest” skate boarding area within the now-shuttered playground that sits below Columbia Heights at the northern end of Brooklyn Heights. (Last week it was announced that budget cuts would result in a planned bridge linking Squibb with Brooklyn Bridge Park not getting built.) “We got some great parks in Brooklyn Heights for younger kids and they are packed, but there’s no place for older kids, the eight- to 12-year-olds,” Benepe said. “It could be a great place for the older kids with small skateboard feature in it.” Think this is a good idea?
Photo by jackszwergold

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  1. Noisy?!

    First of all, this is one of the most secluded parks ever. Second, it’s not like it’s up ‘gainst the Promenade, it’s up ‘gainst the freakin’ BQE.

    The only neighbor are the Jehovas.

    Give the kids their park!

  2. For better or worse, the skate park in Park Slope behind the Novo is always packed. So yes, build it and they will come. That said, it seems noisy.

  3. it is true that i have seen young persons risking life and limb skatebordng down that very steep street in front of the squibb hill dog run.

  4. i’ve seen lots of skaters out in the past few weeks. i like that they’re doing something creative with their time, and i think building a place specifically for them is a terrific idea. it can get dangerous when they skate in the playgrounds intended for younger kids.

  5. That’s actually a perfect location for skateboarders b/c the entrance to the park is right at the top of the hill down to DUMBO (right after the Promenade ends at like Cranberry) and there are always teenage skateboarders skating down that hill.