TracyWestmoreland.jpgBrooklyn the Borough is reporting that Manhattans, the Washington Avenue bar opened by Tracy Westmoreland only a few months ago, is already in danger of closing. Westmorland, who was also behind the shuttered Hell’s Kitchen dive Siberia, says his main investor in the bar is threatening to turn the lights out. Westmoreland is seeking an angel for the venture and some of the bar’s fans have set up a website site soliciting PayPal donations to help keep the business running. In a phone call yesterday Westmoreland said Manhattans is operating on a “week-to-week” basis and that it would, at the very least, be open through next weekend.
Under Threat of Closing, Manhattans Bar Seeks New Investor [BTB] GMAP
Save Manhattans [Official Site]
Manhattans in Brooklyn [Brownstoner]
Photo of Westmoreland from Brooklyn the Borough.

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  1. I liked the vibe initially, but the place just creeps me out now. bad vibes. Also, I’ve showed up late night twice in a row just to find it closed. Is two thirty really that late people?

    FYI: the whole locked door, paper on the windows thing is just a way for them to keep out black folks from the neighborhood (gotta preserve that divebar atmosphere, eh?). I’ve heard people trying to rationalize it every which way, but I can’t see it as anything other than racist.

  2. I went to this place and ordered a Manhattan, and the bartender rolled his eyes. It’s in the name! That’s like going to IHOP and getting attitude for ordering pancakes.

  3. One time i was at Soda (nearby bar that i’m sure all the Manhattans naysayers here love) and someone threw up on the floor out on the patio. The smelly throw-up was right under a table and chairs so no one could use them. No one cleaned it up the whole night even though the patio was full of people and even though several employees walked by it repeatedly. It was great, what a classy joint!

  4. The guy who owns this place has no business sense. He’s designed the bar to actually hide it from the neighborhood: newspaper on the windows, entry accessible only through being buzzed in a locked door, no sign. Once inside, the place looks pathetic, with no renovation and a shitty selection of beers. Really, I can’t think of a better prescription for failure.

  5. If a random leftist coffee shop on Cortelyou Road could raise $64000 in donations to keep its doors open, there’s no reason this guy, who’s much better-known, couldn’t do the same. That said, I wouldn’t donate to a private business. Go and drink, you blockheads!

  6. To echo Art Salt, I also tried REALLY hard to go there to get a drink about a month a half ago. They were impossible to find, they were closed, they were virtually invisible. So I can’t say that I’m surprised. Business model, anyone?

  7. It was all downhill after Siberia moved out of the subway station. That was a truly weird dive. Every venture after that was an attempt to recapture the authentic oddness of the original.

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