For many months now there’s been a sign on the long-dormant development site at 4th Avenue between 7th and 8th streets advertising that it’s for sale and including a rendering of a classic 4th Avenue condo-to-be. A new, bigger sign recently went up that indicates the seller is motivated, since it says that the price has been reduced. This listing for the property says it costs $3.2 million, though it’s unclear whether that’s been updated with the new price chop. GMAP DOB

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  1. > This one’s claim to fame is it already comes with filed plans. Whoppee-doo.

    And a copy of the home game. Next contestant, please.

  2. There are at least four ‘developer sites’ for sale on 4th Ave. This one’s claim to fame is it already comes with filed plans. Whoppee-doo.

  3. Trader Joe’s in Gowanus has been in stasis for a while. Lots of issues with the developer. I would love for it to happen but it ain’t gonna be soon. 🙁 To be honest, they should just pick a new site (like this one) and JUST DO IT! the trader joe’s in union square is a freaking nightmare of epic proportions. grocery shopping shouldn’t be bloodsport.

  4. Bigger signs instead of just hitting one of the bids you already have (that’s the market talking to ya). Genius.

    ***Bid half off peak comps***

  5. I also noticed that the development site between Fifth and Sixth Streets, formerly a BP gas station, is now being marketed for retail development. In other words, ‘we’re not going to be able to construct a residential building here anytime soon and neither are you, so take it off our hands and build a taxpayer instead.’