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We were biking down Furman Street yesterday and were pleased to notice a new bike lane on the southern stretch of the street; we were even more intrigued to follow the bike lane as it turned in towards the water at the MTA building and find that it led to what appears to be a newly constructed bike lane running through the incomplete portions of Brooklyn Bridge Park. It looks to us like this means there could be a Greenway connector between Piers 1 and 6 well before Piers 2 through 5 are open to the public. That would be very sweet indeed.

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  1. dittoburg: we agree! I’m definitely not a fan of mixed bike/ped paths. Just leads to a lot of bikes hating walkers and walkers hating bicyclists.

  2. nothing is -impossible- to navigate on a bike.

    just slow down and go around.

    that’s what a polite cyclist would do.

    your mileage may vary.

  3. Exactly, slopenick. The Columbia St bike path is now a disaster of nannies and toddlers, nearly impossible to navigate on a bike.

  4. there won’t be much vive going on if the counterflow accident stats match those in other countries studies. more morte.

  5. There is no *crazy* wrong-way cycling that needs to be reined in. Furman Street is incredibly wide and underused. They should extend that bike lane the entire length of Furman because the lane through the park will probably be hard to use for commuting due to pedestrians, tourists, casual bikers, etc. Not a problem that it would be used by them, but if there’s space for a commuter lane on Furman, it would cut down on collisions/angst.

  6. everything between Pier 1 and Pier 6 along Furman is temporary subject to what approach is finally taken for the reconstruction of the BQE cantilever. DOT has been kicking that can down the road for some time but at some point, probably after a tractor trailer falls through the roadway, something will need to be done. Once the stretch of the BQE is shut for reconstruction, an alternate artery running along the edge of the park will need to be built for the duration of the highway reconstruction.