Yesterday the Department of City Planning announced that it was beginning public review for a rezoning of Boerum Hill that’s aimed at “ensuring that all future development appropriately matches the existing scale of the neighborhood,” according to the press release. The rezoning’s boundaries run from Atlantic Avenue to the north; Fourth Avenue to the east; Warren and Wyckoff streets to the south; and Court Street to the west. Most of those 31 blocks would be rezoned to allow a max height of 40 feet (50 with a setback) with exceptions like 3rd Avenue, where construction heights would be capped at 80 feet after a setback. Community Board 2 now has 60 days to review the proposal. More details in this Eagle story.
Boerum Hill Looks to Downzone [Brownstoner]
Update on the Boerum Hill Rezoning [Brownstoner]

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  1. Capping heights on the same block as the 3rd largest subway station in the city is an amazing case of horrible urban planning.

  2. Interesting they extended it to include the 3rd-to-4th Avenue blocks. Def less charming than Hoyt-to-Bond or Bond-to-Nevins. N-S boundaries seem spot on.