development development
We went to get a closer look at 525 Clinton Avenue this weekend and have to say we were positively surprised. Given the building’s proximity to Atlantic Avenue, its fairly high ceiling heights and non-cookie-cutter design, we think it’s potentially a big positive for Clinton Hill, which has yet to have an interesting, higher-end (which is what we can only assume this is) new residential building in the construction boom of the past several years. Assuming the market hasn’t completely tanked by the time these are ready, we hope this will show developers that there is a market in Clinton Hill for something other than generic boxes.
Tower Rising at 525 Clinton Avenue [Brownstoner] GMAP

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  1. I am exagerating or fabricating? Uh, I am saying what my reaction was when Outpost opened – in the context of general praise for the place. A few other people I know had the same reaction. I personally thought it was a pretty obvious faux pas on the part of the owners. Obviously you don’t have same reaction, and I know, because I asked them, it never even crossed to minds of the owners, who are very nice people. I guess it still bothers me enough to mention it. While I do spend some time at Tilly’s (after dropping off my son at PS 20), I prefer Grand 275 at Lafayette. They are all nice places. Can we just be friends now?

  2. Dear Putnam-Denizen,

    You really are exaggerating, even fabricating the colonial ring. Go to Swilly’s if you don’t like it.

  3. I have been in the area for less than 2 years, but the old time neighborhood residents tell me that those goodies did exist over there when they grew up in the neighborhood. They had a bakery to go to to buy a cake when people had birthdays and a nice butcher. I am thinking of doing something; I don’t know. I love my street, the neighborhood, my neighbors, all the kids (love all the playing in the streets with ball games and retrieving balls out of my backyard and the excitement of the games over at Brooklyn Tech High School football field– it’s great) but I can’t take the ratty stores and lack of services. Can’t sign in for some reason as myself today. – Donatella

  4. I understand the double-entendre. I live around the corner. I think it is a nice addition to the neighborhood. I am also gay (and white). But I was also concerned about naming what at first seemed like a white establishment in a working class African American area “outpost.” It has, er, a colonial ring to my ear. Duh?

  5. Agree that Fulton needs a facelift (hey how about an unresearched and probably wrong article on the renovations of Fulton itself – anyone else notice eastbound is going to be closed for a while?). But don’t forget – drycleaners on north side of Fulton at Washington (Kurt is as cute as a button, and foldks on the otherside stole a bunch of my shirts when I first moved in). Kush and Brown Betty near Grand and Fulton. Supermarket not that bad, and improving. I enjoy the pot pouri (sp?) of various ethnic foods. Outpost (horribly named, but pelasant enough in a Williamsburg-y gayboy sort of way). The West African spot at Fulton and St James has just renovated, and a couple mid-priced soulfoody fusion places opened up on Fulton as well. Sure it is not Dekalb, but nor is it that expensive. I think it is coming along.

  6. What are you talking about 4:37 ????????
    I have been poor and I have been better then that, in any case I always wanted to eat fresh quality food, maybe in those poor days I couldn’t afford much but the little that I had was fresh, this is not a matter of expensive/classy…. is matter of been a human been educated about feeding yourself with good fresh ingredients and not with the junk that you buy around at every corner here. It’s defenately going to change, and you know what we all be happy, I’ll get the good stuff and you’ll have a choice 🙂

  7. To the hungry shoppers of East Clinton Hill … your time is arriving. The reason that you have not have had anything classy to date is because you have not had any reason for such shopping. I know, you are all going to say this is racist, oh well, the time has come for shopping that will meet the needs of the high end residential units coming. Hang in its a comin.

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