It’s been a few months since we checked in with the construction headache at 339 Greene Avenue. While the demolition process (courtesy of MMG) was a complete disaster with safety and quality of life complaints out the wazoo, we haven’t heard much from the community since actual construction began on what will ultimately be a 57-unit, 12-story building. What’s the word?
More Shenanigans at 339 Greene Avenue [Brownstoner] GMAP P*Shark
Development Watch: 339 Greene Avenue [Brownstoner] DOB
Greene Ave Development Rally Attracts Pols [Brownstoner]
Pillaging Clifton Place MMG-Style [Brownstoner]

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  1. The BS people are all pissed off because the neighborhood got more populated, they can’t park their cars at night, can’t cut their curbs for a dirveway, and spend a half hour doing circles around the block on a good day or park blocks away and then walk home. Those that don’t use thier cars regularly then have to play the alternate side game. The rest pay, either for parking or summonses. Meanwhile, many of the larger condo developments come with underground or rear parking. Then they sit there eating their granola and sprouts as “Joe Wall Street” pulls into his designated spot and heads to the elevator. What an irony, screwed twice. Build More!!!!

  2. 5:44 you are the biggest douchbag I have seen on this site. Do the neighborhood and city a favor by slipping on your slippery, icy stoop.

  3. To 12:57, the new building is setback from the building beside it beginning at the second floor, so I don’t think there will be issues with the property line windows.

    And 5:44, you say, “We do pay our share. You don’t. You get the benefits of a livable neighborhood without paying full price.” What do you mean by that? Am I not paying my share because I didn’t buy a house? Then what will you say to the person who purchases the penthouse at 339 Greene, because I expect it to cost as much as any brownstone in the area? Will that person deserve the same breaks as houseowners based on the amount they’ll pay? And since when is all the value a person brings to their community wrapped up in the purchase price of their home?

    What do I think of the building? I face east on Classon, about a block away from 339. I picked my apartment because it has huge windows that currently face nothing but sky. 399 will change that. I’m not thrilled about it, but I accept that my neighborhood is going to change. If it begins to change in ways I don’t like, then I’ll move. Until that time, I am satisfied to watch it grow. And as far as I can tell, 399 looks like it going to be an interesting addition.

    (And I’m definitely getting a big kick out of watching them build that thing!)

  4. You can also ask why commercial real estate rates are so much higher than private homes. Why can I deduct my mortgage interest but renters can’t? Why should I pay AMT? The tax code isn’t fair to all.
    And is you are a reader of this column you know that the city isn’t doing much to prevent building sites where works are killed or injured, developers scamming the system with selfcertification and dozens of other questionable practices. I think the city is in the pocket of many developers. Look at Ratner and what he is getting away with.

  5. We do pay our share. You don’t. You get the benefits of a livable neighborhood without paying full price.

    Feel free to save your money and put a big downpayment on a brownstone and then you too can reap the “benefits” of lower property taxes.

    As for being a nimby, buying a brownstone in this city is a major investment. You want me to roll over and die because you can’t get what you want?! Grow up and stop being a cry baby. Some hideous piece of crap cuts into my investment and I would be a fool to let some trashy developer get their way and their money and run while I sit back and watch my investment and hard work amount to nothing.

    There are zoning laws on the books that are regularly violated unless the nieghborhood complains. Idiotic owners of Fedders crap are dumb enough in the first place to buy one of these dorm rooms, so you have nerve telling be to back off. You have already displayed a lack of sense in buying turd piles like this.

    Think of your property tax bill as an idiot tax. The higher it is, the dumber you are.

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