614-7th-Ave-sign-102908.jpg A tipster sent in these photos of 614 7th Avenue, otherwise known as the Minerva, so named for a statue in the nearby Green-Wood Cemetery. In its first incarnation, a 70-foot-high Scarano design, the building caused a kerfuffle for blocking views from its namesake. Then the 100-by-100-foot lot was sold to another developer who is creating 11 single-family, four-story homes. Our tipster snapped some shots revealing what seems to be some shoddy workmanship. “These POS’s are a mix of block (8″ instead of 12″), plywood decking (not concrete), wooden beams (warping) and boy, those floors do-so line up, right.” The developers have some cojones, he says. “The buildings are not even 50% finished (and not 100% kosher by Green-Wood’s standards) and falling down as they are being built… and they are listing for pre-sales? Perhaps Minerva NOW wishes her view was blocked from INSIDE the cemetery.”
The New Minerva Begins to Sprout [Brownstoner] GMAP P*Shark DOB
Development Watch: 614 7th Avenue [Brownstoner]
Video: SWO Action at 614 7th Avenue [Brownstoner]
The Minerva: Signs Point To Go [Brownstoner]
First Rejection by DOB of Minerva II Plans [Brownstoner]
Minerva. Take Two. Roll ‘Em. [Brownstoner]

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  1. Not to keep the blue thread going, but I am sure that the future owners will be able to see plenty of handjobs out their windows, this street is well known for it’s “parking”.

  2. i’ll give you 2.6mil, but not a penny more.

    oops, i thought it was 2007 for a minute.

    on second thought, how about 10 bucks and six pack instead?

  3. Don’t worry some yuppy douchebag is going to buy them and post how “charming” his warped floors are and how his tilted walls give the building “character”.

  4. Drove by this site the other day and had to have a good laugh. While I’m not sure on the building’s dept. code, I did not think plywood (warped at that) decking was permitted on masonry buildings.

    From the looks at street level, these will be far from luxury. As the tipster pointed out, I also feel bad for Minerva or anyone who goes into Green-Wood to see their historic view to Liberty.


    I guess it could have been worse, if that is possible, had it stayed a Scarano job.

  5. I walked by this place over the weekend and it looks REALLY bad. Totally tilting and uneven, and looks like it’s about to collapse.

    I’d say stay away!