wt-vestibule-before-022808.jpg wt-vestibule-after-022808.jpg
We’ve been trying to think of the next area of the house we should focus on for reader-submitted renovations and finally received inspiration from yesterday’s post on the Windsor Terrace Renovation Blog: the vestibule. We’ve also been talking with Mrs. B about simple, inexpensive ways to make our own entryway look a little less haggard, so the timing seems good. So bring on the photos and descriptions of what you’ve done in your vestibule and why. We’ll start running submissions next week.
Gussying up the Vestibule [Windsor Terrace Reno]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. At present our townhouse has ugly linoleum throughout the vestibule and the foyer area in front of the stairs. There is plywood underneath. I am contemplating putting tiles throughout the foyer area, and not just in the vestibule, between the two doors. It could look quite nice. Has anyone else done this or seen it done successfully ? I know this is not how the houses were initially designed, but I have seen it in Europe and it can look lovely.

  2. i actually think painting the detail in the same palette as the wall makes it more elegant and less fussy, given the other commenter’s point about the flourish not matching the cleaner lines. this looks cool and has some irony thrown into what is an elegant entryway. I’m jealous…we have to do ours and it’s going to be a haul…

  3. I like the gray wall but would have done the frame detail in white. I like it, why hide a great original detail, you know?
    BTW.. I love the way a gray/silver wall makes a place both crisp and contemporary yet classic and stylish.

  4. I think it would look much better without the rococo moldings on the sidewall. They do not match the rectilinear look of the rest of the trim and therefore look pasted on and tacky.

  5. I like the way it looks now! The grey and white paint and what I can see of the tile floor look very classy — subdued but elegant.