About a month ago some residents who live near the under-construction Barclays Center voiced opposition to plans to use stack parking at the arena—which will have a state-mandated 1,100-spot parking lot—but the Post is now reporting that the stacking system may not be in the cards: “A top official for the developer building Brooklyn’s Barclays Center said today it’s her ‘mission’ to reduce hundreds of spaces at a parking garage going up next to the NBA Nets’ future home to avoid using controversial stack-parking spaces there. Jane Marshall, an executive vice president at Forest City Ratner, told community leaders and city officials at Borough Hall yesterday that the company “is doing everything we can to avoid it” and the potential traffic problems such a system could bring.” No pro sports venue in the city uses stack parking, and some residents fear the system will cause traffic pileups and delays, not to mention drivers sorting about for more street parking in order to avoid the garage. FCR says it’s studying non-stack options. In other Atlantic Yards news, today AY Report notes that an FCR executive has confirmed the latest delay in the construction of the non-arena portion of the mega-development: Groundbreaking won’t happen until after the arena opens in September. We’ve lost track at this point of how many times the firm has delayed construction of the non-arena towers that will eventually (probably?) rise at the site.
Deck is Stacked Against Stack-Parking Plan for Barclays Center [NY Post]
Construction Won’t Start Until After Arena Opens [AY Report]
Worries Aired About Stack Parking Next to Arena [Brownstoner]
Rendering via Atlantic Yards Watch

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  1. As with all things AY – believe it when it happens.

    Ideally, her mission should be to reduce parking spaces to ZERO. And print in bold letters across every ticket: “do not drive to the Barclays Center.”


  2. As with all things AY – believe it when it happens.

    Ideally, her mission should be to reduce parking spaces to ZERO. And print in bold letters across every ticket: “do not drive to the Barclays Center.”


  3. there’s parking under a lot of buildings. buildings that are even more of a target or security concern than this arena.

    the original plans for this project called for the site of this “temporary” parking lot to be residential towers. if that even happens, where will the parking go then?