With very little fanfare, Squibb Park Bridge re-opened this morning. A little before 10 a.m., pedestrians and press started ambling down the bridge, taking in the views.

brooklyn bridge park squibb bridge park opens

The bridge connects Brooklyn Bridge Park and the East River waterfront to Brooklyn Heights. It debuted in 2013, but closed in 2014 after reports the bridge was too bouncy.

brooklyn bridge park squibb bridge park opens

There was just the hint of a bounce, or gentle sway, this morning as children dashed up and down and pedestrians began to congregate along the bridge.

brooklyn bridge park squibb bridge park

In addition to the great views of Brooklyn Bridge Park and the Manhattan skyline, walkers get a close-up view of the Pierhouse condos — at least until all those trees fill in.

brooklyn bridge park squibb bridge park opens

[Photos by Susan De Vries]

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