We’re in the third week of sheltering in place and the eighth day of distance learning for New York City schools.

It’s April 1, April Fool’s Day, and rents are due (no joke). We know people who still can’t get through to unemployment — and that means the record high count of 3.28 million filing for unemployment in the week ended April 26 is likely to be much higher in reality. The pandemic is the greatest global challenge since World War II, said the United Nations chief. Doctors and nurses are fighting for protective gear in New York City and beyond — and hospital administrators (and the U.S. health care system) are not looking like the good guys.

What are you doing, what are your concerns and thoughts, and what are you reading and seeing regarding the Coronavirus crisis here in Brooklyn and beyond? Please feel free to comment in a respectful manner (please, no personal attacks, nothing libelous). If you are not already logged in, go up to the top right hand side of the page and log in to be able to comment.

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