We’re in the twelfth week of sheltering in place and the 48th day of home schooling for New York City schools.

Large, mostly peaceful protests took place all over Brooklyn throughout the weekend and shut down the Williamsburg Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge.

An incident in which two police cars rammed protesters in Park Slope Saturday is under investigation. On Sunday large crowds gathered nearby to protest the event and some called for Mayor de Blasio to resign over remarks excusing the police’s behavior. His “conflicted response” shows the “challenges he has faced in managing a crisis rooted in issues he has long pledged to tackle,” according to the New York Times. A “wanted” flyer spied on Flatbush Avenue today referenced the incident.

A protest planned for 5 p.m. today at the corner of Nostrand and Fulton prompted the Bed Stuy BID to issue a warning to local merchants to secure their businesses no later than 3 p.m.

Coronavirus cases continue to decrease in New York City, and the city is still on course to start Phase 1 of its reopening Monday, June 8. Most of the protesters appear to be wearing masks, although that has not always been true of the police, according to social media reports.

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