The Insider: Years-Long Park Slope Townhouse Reno Concludes With Fresh New Decor

In 2018, interior designer Liz Lipkin got a call from prospective clients who thought they saw light at the end of the renovation tunnel and wanted help pulling things together, decoratively speaking. It would be three years before they actually got to the end of that tunnel.

interior apt 28a 1 hanson place

Expansive Fort Greene Clock Tower Condo With Three Bedrooms, Views Asks $3.5 Million

A large price tag matches the generous size of this three-bedroom apartment, but it does come with a location in the historic Williamsburg Savings Bank Tower and the views that provides.

brooklyn heights subway
The Montague Street Tunnel in 2012, shortly after trains resumed service following Hurricane Sandy. Photo by Marc Hermann for MTA New York City Transit

A Sandhog Recalls Being Shot Out of a Brooklyn Heights Subway Tunnel

This 2016 story about sandhog Marshall Mabey is popular again with readers. In February, 1916, the New York Times published an article entitled “Tells How It Feels to Go Up in a Geyser” recounting the tale of Mabey, who, while working on the construction of a new subway tunnel under Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights, was shot up into an opening in the tunnel and through the bed of the East River.

rendering of building
Rendering via NYC Housing Connect

Lottery Opens for Affordable Housing Above Sunset Park Library, Starting at $524 a Month

A lottery has opened for 40 genuinely affordable apartments at 372 51st Street in Sunset Park, where the local branch of the Brooklyn Public Library is undergoing redevelopment. The one-story structure is being replaced with a new eight-story building containing 50 apartments and a library condo at its base with 20,000 square feet of space, almost twice the size of the old library.

interior of 117 macdonough street

Bed Stuy Italianate With Plasterwork, Seven Mantels, Pocket Doors Asks $2.699 Million

In the Stuyvesant Heights Historic District, this Italianate brownstone offers up some original details, including wood floors, stair and intricate plasterwork. Although not recently updated, it’s a grand and stylish space that appears, in photos at least, to need only minor work such as new paint.

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