Tonight, filmmaker Max Kutner is screening his documentary on the landmarked Coignet building in Gowanus, “At the Corner of Third and Third.” He examines the mysterious building’s 130-year-history and significance, as well as the Whole Foods being built next door, through “archival materials and interviews with historians, activists, artists, photographers, and local residents to show how a community looks to the future while fighting to preserve the past.” The 20-minute film shows at 6 pm at the NewFilmmakers New York series at the Courthouse Theater at 32 2nd Avenue in Manhattan.

Documentary Coming on Mysterious Coignet Building [Brownstoner]


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  1. The building has suffered greatly since Whole Foods has been doing construction on the site. We have heard for years that they would restore it, but it now appears like they are destroying the building which has been gradually crumbling under the construction vibrations.

    If Whole Foods cared about Brooklyn and it’s history, why are they proceeding in such a careless manor with the restoration and preservation of this structure? Because they want to make it crumble to the ground?