Copper Thieves Hit Up Toll's Dumbo Build
The Brooklyn Paper reports that thieves locked up a security guard at Toll Brothers’ 205 Water Street construction site a few days ago and tried to make off with a great deal of copper. According to the report, the robbers attempted to steal a 2,000-pound spool that would have been worth around $15,000 but ended…

The Brooklyn Paper reports that thieves locked up a security guard at Toll Brothers’ 205 Water Street construction site a few days ago and tried to make off with a great deal of copper. According to the report, the robbers attempted to steal a 2,000-pound spool that would have been worth around $15,000 but ended up making off with a couple smaller rolls instead. The story notes that copper is a prime target for thieves that prey on construction sites because it’s “rarely secured” and has been rising in value. The article also makes the claim that copper theft has “become one of the most-common crimes in the borough.”
Copper Thieves Run Roughshod Over DUMBO Work Site [BK Paper]
bloomberg businessweek had a great article about this last year. worth a read.
copper prices are still near where they were pre-bubble, but even if they go lower the great recession still makes this highly lucrative – foreclosed homes, streets lined with copper wires.
but i wouldn’t be surprised if our friends the Sopranos were in on this one. this heist had someone in the know.