gowanus canal 12014 copy

Will Gowanus be the next Dumbo? A story in the Times over the weekend suggests yes. The fact that it is home to one of the largest Superfund sites in the country has not deterred development there. The story gives an overview of all the development happening there, which will be familiar to Brownstoner readers, including the 700-unit rental project Lightstone Group is building and the condo development at 345 Carroll Street, as well as all the retail that has opened lately, such as Whole Foods and Ample Hills.

Two interesting factoids: Councilmember Brad Lander is working to change the zoning of the area from industrial to mixed-use, which would mean more housing could be built. And Gowanus Green, Hudson Companies’ affordable 774-unit development on 5th Street, is “stalled until the site’s former owner, National Grid, completes a voluntary environmental cleanup.”

Gowanus Is Counting on a Cleanup [NY Times]

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  1. that really was silly comment worried about parolee center.
    I don’t consider ‘gowanus’ a neighborhood. Part of what some of you are calling it is fringe of Carroll Gardens
    on west side of canal. part is essentially Boerum Hill and most western fringe of Park Slope.
    As development pressure of western edge of Park Slope pushes further their will be more residential construction in area.
    Dumbo – no. Extension of ParkSLope, Carroll Gardens, yes…depending on which side of canal.

    • its really a silly response on your end. Since the Parolees don’t live in Gowanus because it is not a “neighborhood” as you mentioned, where exactly are they going to come from? Oh right, they are going to take the subway to the closest stops at 4th Avenue-9th Street or Smith St-9th Street. Coming from a person who lives by the 4th Ave-9th Street stop (so don’t give me some silly response about how that is not near a neighborhood either), I think that the Parolee Center presense could be felt at more than just the 2nd Ave location if you have ex-convicts walking / loitering to and from the center. There is a elementary school right on 8th Steet and 4th Avenue, as well as the Al-Madinah school which has a clear view of the Center from 3rd Avenue. No one knows what will happen for sure, but saying that it’s prescense will only affect the “Gowanus” neighborhood is ignorant.

    • This proposed site has a superfund site on one side, garbage-strewn lots on the others, and it’s at the end of dead-end 2nd Ave, a looooong round-the-block to the Whole Foods, which is really the only thing around here. Unless your concern is for the parolees themselves, at locating this site so far from public transportation, I really can’t understand the concern. If not here, where? I don’t get the concern about “schools and parks” on 2nd Ave, lol.

  2. LOL this is what happens when people with no knowledge of Brooklyn spew word vomit on this site. I really hope you are just trolling this thread and not actually a complete idiot. If you are going to go with “close enough” then Gowanus has WAY more subway access at Barclay’s center with 10 different subway lines, several of which are exactly 1 stop away from Manhattan.