spitzer-03-2008.jpgIs there anything else to talk about today? If Spitzer leaves office, we’re probably only going to be left with a lot of questions about how he might have triggered change for New York City in general and Brooklyn—and Brooklyn real estate—specifically. As Norman Oder notes on Atlantic Yards Report, Spitzer mostly kept mum on AY, thereby offering his tacit approval for the project. Oder writes that if Spitzer is replaced, his successor might affect changes in Phase 2 of the mega-development. In another big real estate-related topic, Spitzer long ago proposed raising the decontrol cap on rent-stabilized apartments, which would have had a huge impact on a wide cross-section Brooklyn tenants and landlords. (This push hadn’t been discussed in many months, though it presumably would have been revived if Democrats gained control of the State Senate.) There’s also the question of how Spitzer’s resignation might affect congestion pricing, which he had reportedly been drafting a bill for. Any other ideas about the potential fallout for Brooklyn?
Spitzer Is Linked to a Sex Ring as Client [NY Times]
Photo by Lindsay Beyerstein.

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  1. Regarding the set-up mentioned earlier, apparently Spitzer paniced after the money transfers and asked the bank to take his name off them. That’s when the red flag was raised and they started to investigage. So, looks like he dug his own grave.

  2. Norman “OCD” Oder will try to attach anything to AY. Hey, Oder, if your blog was worth reading, you wouldn’t have to spend time asking other to read your “work”.

    Why is protitution still illegal? If a person wants to spend money having sex with someone who normally wouldn’t give him/her the time of day, then what’s the gripe?

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