Jehovah's Witnesses Volunteers Try Their Hands At City Park
The Watchtower Bible Tract Society, one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ legal entities, is nearing the design phase for Bridge Park 2 in Dumbo, a two-acre, city-owned park the Society agreed to restore in exchange for favorable zoning at 85 Jay Street. Back in 2004, the city approved a zoning variance for the Society to build…
The Watchtower Bible Tract Society, one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ legal entities, is nearing the design phase for Bridge Park 2 in Dumbo, a two-acre, city-owned park the Society agreed to restore in exchange for favorable zoning at 85 Jay Street. Back in 2004, the city approved a zoning variance for the Society to build on its large parking lot an 800,000-square-foot building with a 1,600-seat cafeteria, 2,500-seat assembly hall, 1,100-space public parking garage and 1,000 apartments. Of course that was before the Society began divesting its Brooklyn properties, so far selling nearly 300 apartments in four buildings and 360 Furman Street (now One Brooklyn Bridge Park) for a total of $195.1 million, according to city property records. Another 263 apartments in six buildings are on the market, including the Hotel Bossert, which one broker predicted would sell for at least $100 million.
Tucker Reed, head of the Dumbo Business Improvement District, was at a “listening session” held last week to solicit ideas for the new park. He said the Parks Department and Society have taken this long to reach an agreement on park construction. The Parks Department is used to getting a check from developers; the Jehovah’s Witnesses do everything possible in-house through their world-wide network of volunteers. “We’re an all-volunteer organization and we function on funds that are voluntarily donated by people, and so we want to make the best use of our resources,” said Watchtower spokesman Richard Devine. Volunteers would do everything from designing to constructing the park, he said, sometimes flying in “from all over the country” if someone local doesn’t have the expertise for the job. And since they believe in the Doctrine of Cleanliness, at least we know it will look perfect.
The proposed renovations in the original agreement included rehabilitation of a baseball field with artificial turf, an existing playground, seating area, landscaping and reopening the comfort station. “I think the community is looking at this to be a more active park than the Brooklyn Bridge Park, which is more walking and sitting and beautiful scenery,” said Devine.
So does that mean the Watchtower Society is going to get started on its massive four-tower building? “We’re not going to move forward in the near future but I wouldn’t say we’re never going to build,” said Devine. Brooklyn Heights will still be the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ world headquarters as the hub of its editorial and administrative staff, he said. But, as has been well-reported, the Society moved its printing and shipping operations upstate and overseas, along with many of its support services (The headquarters is nearly a self-sustaining society. Volunteers support each other by proving everything from cleaning, cooking, laundry, window washing, electrical work and drape making). Devine said after they sold 360 Furman, they stopped making their own ink for the millions of publications and bibles they print in several languages. “We are consolidating quite a bit. In fact, the rezoning of 85 Jay really gave us the confidence to go ahead and move forward with consolidation,” he said.
The only thing is, if 85 Jay Street is built as planned, with nearly double the apartments sold or on the market, the Society would be expanding its operations in the Heights, not consolidating, unless it sells off nearly all of its remaining residential properties. But alas, that’s all we get for now from Devine, who must also believe in the Doctrine of Suspense. As usual, never a dull moment over at the Watchtower!
Watchtower Divestment Continues: The Bossert on the Block [Brownstoner]
Brooklyn’s Fabled Hotel Bossert on Market [Brooklyn Eagle]
Watchtower to Sell 6 Brooklyn Heights Properties [Brooklyn Eagle]
Jehovah’s Witnesses are intolerant bigoted fanatics.
Yes they DEMAND the ‘right’ to go knocking on doors to the point of intrusive illegal trespassing on private property but go nuts if anyone questions their bogus dogmas.
They are a religion of bigotry to the core.
The very inception of JWs was based on hate. They hate the world, they hate other religions, they hate everything about “this system of things.”
Actually, the Wittnesses there are volunteers. The work they do there is not commercial or profit-for. Everyone contributes to the publicating of Bible-based material such as the Wathctower and Awake! magazines. And, yes there are alot of people that leave the organization. But do you really think they leave because they get the boot, so to say? Everyone has their own decisions. God does not MAKE you follow Him. Rather, you choose to. The Wiittnesses do everything because it is necessary. Alot of people have the wrong idea about the organization. Peole dissent because they don’t follow Bible principles set by God. The reason people are disfellowshipped is because they do not repent. God wishes for His congregation to remain clean, and in order to remain clean, the people who do not act correctly must be disciplined, But the discipline isn’t by man, but by God. We all are imperfect, and i think we can all accept that. But simple imperfeccions are ignored and forgiven by a spiritual person following God. The bigger issues, such as inmorality and violence such as death, those are the ones that are treated with more severity. fell free to visit the site
HUH? Jehovah’s Witnesses are pathological liars and ripoff cult.
Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide are dangerous-
They love and respect their neighbors.
They respect their countries.
They pay their taxes.
Their “leaders” do not focus on collecting wealth.
They have a strong work ethic.
They have a strong (and balanced) moral code.
They do not practice lying, they practice telling the truth.
They refuse to go to war / kill their neighbors.
They will go to prison rather than kill Americans, Brits, Asians, Germans, Russians, Latinos, Etc.
They will give up their own life so others can live.
They will stand up for themselves in a [scripturally] legal manner.
Even though imperfect they consider, and follow, carefully, Jesus’ & Jehovah’s [personal conduct] examples, teachings, and commandments.
They know mankind is in trouble and they voluntarily take time out of THEIR busy (parenting, business owner, doctoring, lawyering, construction work, financial industry, student, etc.) work and personal lives, and money out of THEIR pockets, to come our doors to try to share some good and upbuilding thoughts with others about the fix for ALL of mankind’s ills.
If we all were as dangerous, there would be no dangerous people.
If you would like more REAL and accurate info about Jehovah’s Witnesses on the web be sure to check out the official web site at
YES indeed the Watchtower tries their best to keep up wuith the RCC,except the cheapo Watchtower has no schools,no hospitals,no missions…..
There’s no greater Fraud for God than Catholicism.
This is probably what makes the Jehovah’s witnesses religion so controversial in that they: PROMISE YOU YOUR REWARD IN THE HERE AND NOW.
Like holding out the proverbial carrot to the donkey the watchtower promises it’s followers an impending new system paradise coming any minute you won’t grow old you won’t need to save for old age retirement.
The other religions have the good sense to promise you your reward AFTER YOU DIE and nobody has ever come back from the dead and sued for breach of promise.
When the watchtower is made to be held accountable for their false promises and defaults thay just go and disfellowship (kick out) those who dissent.Religions can get away with this any secular business that did this would get their leaders put in jail for fraud.The Watchtower religion has busted a million followers and there are lots of angry ex members who won’t go quietly.
It’s FRAUD for GOD
Danny Haszard
Oh, okay, they’re bad people. Hey Devine! Nevermind, we voted and decided we didn’t want the park fixed up after all.