Brooklyn Bridge Park Pierhouse Liquor License

Local activist group and former Pierhouse lawsuit plaintiff Save the View Now (STVN) plans to attend tonight’s Community Board 2 meeting and request Pierhouse’s Starwood 1 Hotel be denied a liquor license, the Brooklyn Eagle reported.

STVN twice lost a legal battle to limit the height of the Brooklyn Bridge Park’s view-blocking Pierhouse. Now, with the bulkhead on the roof already 30 feet above the agreed-on building height limit of 100 feet, and with no legal grounds to do anything about it, the group will attempt to prevent Pierhouse from legally selling alcohol.

According to the Brooklyn Eagle, STVN said in a release that:

A liquor license is a privilege and not a right. It should only be given to entities that demonstrate they operate as good citizens in the community. Starwood is a 50-50 partner with Toll Brothers in the construction of the oversized Pierhouse. They have purposely ignored the promises made to this community in 2005 to protect the views of the Brooklyn Bridge from the Promenade so that they can earn over $100 million in excess profits. They should not be further rewarded by the granting of a liquor license.

The judge ruled the bulkhead doesn’t count in the building height and the statute of limitations has expired. The June ruling gave STVN and other opponents of the building little recourse.

The CB2 meeting will be held tonight, Wednesday October 7, at 6 p.m. in the first floor dining room at the Brooklyn Hospital Center at 121 Dekalb Avenue.

[Source: Eagle | Photo: Field Condition]

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  1. It seems that your commentators do not get it. Orgaznizations like BBP and folks like Guttman, Offensend, Wittty, Ashkonasky et al and toll Brothers need to be held accountable for violating the public trust. They may have won legal case but they have lost a moral hey buy condos to enrich themselves at our expense.
    They and Ms. Meyer should all be ashamed of themselves for ruing the view . Forgetting it will not stop future such fiasco

  2. It seems that your commentators do not get it. Orgaznizations like BBP and folks like Guttman, Offensend, Wittty, Ashkonasky et al and toll Brothers need to be held accountable for violating the public trust. They may have won legal case but they have lost a moral hey buy condos to enrich themselves at our expense.
    They and Ms. Meyer should all be ashamed of themselves for ruing the view . Forgetting it will not stop future such fiasco

  3. Good luck to the activists. CB2 if it had any sense would support these efforts but I doubt it.CB2 is another institution that is full of itself and has had the same members year after year. SHirly McCrae has been chair too long. She ia a”community leader” who forgot her purpose. She told us at the library hearing that it was “her meeting as if she owned it… Its time for her to go. Her puppet Bob Perris often runs the show for her. He manipulates outcomes to favor developers who I am sure he is trying to get a job with. Its past time for a leadership change.

  4. Good luck to the activists. CB2 if it had any sense would support these efforts but I doubt it.CB2 is another institution that is full of itself and has had the same members year after year. SHirly McCrae has been chair too long. She ia a”community leader” who forgot her purpose. She told us at the library hearing that it was “her meeting as if she owned it… Its time for her to go. Her puppet Bob Perris often runs the show for her. He manipulates outcomes to favor developers who I am sure he is trying to get a job with. Its past time for a leadership change.