
DNAinfo published a few more details on Jasper Venture Group’s plan to convert the vacant Parkway Hospital site, located in Forest Hills, to a condo development. Turns out Jasper Venture Group did not secure the building in a recent auction, like we assumed. The group already holds the mortgage on the building and, according to DNAinfo, “said that it was hoping to sell the site in a foreclosure auction, but so far that effort has not been successful.”

When 70-35 113th Street Holdings LLC — the winners of he most recent auction — missed two deadlines to pay off the price of the hospital, Jasper Venture Group came up with a new plan to convert the site themselves. The actual details of the development planned are not known; it’s likely the developers will have to apply for a zoning variance. Japsper Venture Group also hinted at demolition for the hospital, which has sat vacant since 2008. The have not yet filed any work with the DOB.

Luxury Condo Eyed For Old Hospital Building in Forest Hills, Developer Says [DNAinfo]
All Parkway Hospital coverage [Q’Stoner]

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