A small group, masked and practicing social distancing, let out a spontaneous cheer as the gate leading to Squibb Park Bridge was unlocked this morning.

With blue skies and a chance to finally get back onto the walkway, eager peds waited patiently to give each person space to descend the ramp, enter the park and finally step onto the bridge.

squibb bridge park

The reopening of the troubled Squibb Park Bridge has been a long time coming. The former bouncy wooden walkway is gone, replaced by a brand new steel and aluminum walkway designed by Arup and installed on the original supports.

Park visitors strolling the new walkway this morning enjoyed the return of the spectacular views and access to Brooklyn Bridge Park from Brooklyn Heights.

squibb bridge park

squibb park bridge

squibb bridge park

squibb bridge park

squibb bridge park

squibb bridge park

squibb bridge park

squibb bridge park

squibb bridge park

[Photos by Susan De Vries]

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