metal door repair / replace advice?
Hi Brownstoners, We have a small coop building with an interior lobby door that does not close and lock on its own. After years of encouraging residents to pull the door shut (to no avail), we think it’s time to repair or replace the door to make it self-closing. Any advice? I’d appreciate any referrals…
Hi Brownstoners,
We have a small coop building with an interior lobby door that does not close and lock on its own. After years of encouraging residents to pull the door shut (to no avail), we think it’s time to repair or replace the door to make it self-closing. Any advice? I’d appreciate any referrals for handymen/door vendors.
Also, I know most folks on this forum are single-family owners — does anyone know of a similar group for coops or multi-families?
A good locksmith will be able to install a self-closing door mechanism. Also install a slam lock. You should also consider getting a security lock in which the keys cannot be copied without control from the coop board – like multilock.
If the door is in good shape, no need to replace it.