I am going to finish my basement and it has no heat currently. I am torn between choosing radiant heat tiled flooring vs. regular against the wall radiators. ANY OPINIONS (I realize the cost difference)?


  1. If you have ever experienced radiant you know its great. Its a lux product.
    What would be your use for basement? what kind of floor finish?
    I would be more concerned with air quality. I would consider air handler with fresh air intake. You could condition air (hot/cold)and control humidity. This is how below grade spaces are handled commercially to avoid basement staleness.

  2. Will it be electric radiant floor heat or will you be connecting to your existing hotwater boiler? In the latter case, I think there might be some plumbing involved with mixing valves and the like (I’m no expert). Also there are some issues with mixing emitters in the same house (if you have radiators or baseboard in the rest of the house and radiant floor in the basement) since they all run at different temps. Having said that, if you can do radiant floor, I’ve heard it’s the most comfortable option of all (cast-iron radiators come a close second).