Title pretty much says it all. I am looking to buy some grass sod for my small backyard. Anyone know who has it in stock?


  1. We just laid sod in our backyard. We got the sod from Dragonetti Landscaping. They delivered it along with 100 bags of topsoil. We knew that the soil in our yard would not sustain the sod so we got the topsoil to put down first which also helped us to grade the area better for drainage. Three weeks later and it is still beautiful. Just make sure to water it every day for the first month and cut it after two weeks, but not too short or too long.

  2. Ignore this if you already know it but there is a common perception that you can put sod down on anything and it will grow. In point of fact, the soil beneath has to be good quality with the proper balance of alkaline, nitrogen, etc. I would think two to three inches of high quality topsoil would do it but I’m not an expert gardener.